The Café Book Literacy Café Menu C-Comprehension A-Accuracy F-Fluency E-Expanded Vocabulary
The Daily Five reading to self reading to self reading to someone reading to someone word work word work listening to reading listening to reading writing writing
Effective Classroom Distribution Whole-class Whole-class Small-group Small-group Side-by-side instruction Side-by-side instruction
Café Menu Conferring Notebook Café Menu-(Behaviors That Support Reading) Café Menu-(Behaviors That Support Reading) Reading Conference Form Reading Conference Form Writing Conference Form Writing Conference Form Keeping Track Form Keeping Track Form Conferencing Form Conferencing Form
Literacy Café Menu Comprehension-I understand what I read Comprehension-I understand what I read Accuracy-I can read the words Accuracy-I can read the words Fluency-I can read smoothly with few errors and I understand what I read. Fluency-I can read smoothly with few errors and I understand what I read. Expand Vocabulary-I know, find, and use interesting words. Expand Vocabulary-I know, find, and use interesting words.
Café Conferences Helps to make the steps to improving as readers. Helps to make the steps to improving as readers. It is concrete and practical It is concrete and practical The student comes to the conference with a goal that is already set and this saves an enormous amount of time. The student comes to the conference with a goal that is already set and this saves an enormous amount of time. More time to read with student and individualize instruction to obtain goal. More time to read with student and individualize instruction to obtain goal.
Coaching Toward A Target Productive, Effective, Teaching and Learning Seven Elements – Successful Conferences Seven Elements – Successful Conferences 1. Check Calendar 1. Check Calendar -(If no appointments are schedule then look at Keeping Track Form for children you havent meet with for a while.)
2. Prepare for Conference -(what was the child working on between conferences.) -(what was the child working on between conferences.) 3. Observe Child & Listen to Reading (Teacher goes to Student) (Teacher goes to Student) -use time to observe what child is doing.
4. Reinforce and Teach - What will we teach this child? - What will we teach this child? -Focus on only one strategy so the student doesnt become overwhelmed. -Focus on only one strategy so the student doesnt become overwhelmed. 5. Practice the Strategy. - Observe him or her practice. - Observe him or her practice.
6. Plan - Does the child need more time to focus on the strategy? - Does the child need more time to focus on the strategy? - Is the student ready to move on to another area? - Is the student ready to move on to another area? 7. Encourage - Youre doing so well, look at the progress youve made. - Youre doing so well, look at the progress youve made.
Teaching Each Strategy Have student write the strategy on a card and post it on the Café Menu. Have student write the strategy on a card and post it on the Café Menu. The students are more likely to use them if they are the ones doing the work. The students are more likely to use them if they are the ones doing the work. The student who post the card becomes an expert on that strategy (another teacher within the room). The student who post the card becomes an expert on that strategy (another teacher within the room).
Selecting Books Students need to be taught how to self- select appropriate books for independent practice. Students need to be taught how to self- select appropriate books for independent practice. The purpose of picking a book is like picking the proper pair of shoes for the occasion. The purpose of picking a book is like picking the proper pair of shoes for the occasion.
Inference (Kids term) Reading Between the Lines (Kids term) Reading Between the Lines Take the clues and try to figure out what is happening in the statement. Take the clues and try to figure out what is happening in the statement. Summarizing Summarizing As we read the story together, we stop to check for understanding, write a sentence about what we read. As we read the story together, we stop to check for understanding, write a sentence about what we read. At the end of the story, go back over sentences, get rid of any unnecessary parts and write it in paragraph form. At the end of the story, go back over sentences, get rid of any unnecessary parts and write it in paragraph form.
Expanded Vocabulary During a read-aloud, stop and talk about the meaning of an unknown word. Once the meaning is clear have students turn to their buddy and each use the word in a sentence. (have students begin to use the word right from the beginning) During a read-aloud, stop and talk about the meaning of an unknown word. Once the meaning is clear have students turn to their buddy and each use the word in a sentence. (have students begin to use the word right from the beginning) Tune in to three or four words from the word collector each day. (While in line for lunch or recess have students create sentences using the word.) Tune in to three or four words from the word collector each day. (While in line for lunch or recess have students create sentences using the word.)