Developing the Research Question – Awareness Before the Answer Learning Frameworks UNIV 1231.38 Developing the Research Question – Awareness Before the Answer Michelle Buggs, Ed.D., Amy Hicks, MBA The Project The Process The assignments and activities that got us thinking The Tools The Feedback Develop a research topic and question that has personal meaning Topics and themes from a Book in Common were explored as a class to initiate safe and open discussion These themes were also discussed on how they could relate to business ethics, the student journey, and career direction and fulfillment Openly discussed in an informal conversation during class time RACISM | SCIENCE | RACE AND INEQUALITY IN HEALTH CARE | FAMILY | DEATH AND DYING| RESEARCHER ETHICS | HEALTHCARE | CANCER We focused on developing skills relevant to learning and knowledge in the role of a college student and beyond. We participated in discussions and activities designed to expand awareness and skills in research fundamentals, academic integrity, critical thinking, information literacy, and self-reflection. READING TOGETHER AND TALKING OPENLY while COMPLETING THOUGHTFUL EXERCISES IN PERSONAL GROWTH AND SELF AWARENESS provided The Research Topic and Question That TIED the course themes TOGETHER Coming up with the question is a process Question Assignments and exercises were used to identify individual learning styles and awareness of metacognition, facilitate discussion on conflict management and positive and negative communication, and exploring values, interests, personality, and skills Create a research question based on topics and themes found in The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks or an area of interest related to business ethics Use the topic to develop a workable research question that will serve as the foundation to your final exam State the research question followed by a short statement (no more than 100 words) on how the research question is relevant to the text and aligns with a personal or professional interest The Reflection In 500-750 words, reflect on how your research question and the central theme on which your research questions is based is related to your personal journey in college and beyond. Why did you chose this topic, theme, and or research question? What did you already know about the topic? How does it reflect your overall thoughts and impressions regarding your experience with the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks text? What was challenging about the research process? What did you learn? How do the topic and lessons learned apply to your personal and professional goals and expectations in college and beyond? Assignments that involve career exploration, interpersonal skills, communication, conflict resolution, ethics, and critical thinking can complement the research process Identifying areas of interest that students feel passionate about can help motivate to engage in the research process Using a Book in Common can provide a platform for exploring interconnected research ideas “I enjoyed how I was able to simplify what I believe may be a good process for career goals for others as well as myself” (TWU Student, 2018) “Is cancer treatment truly affordable for American citizens? What kind of factors determine how treatment differs for citizens such as income, race, education, or such?” (Abdalla, 2018) “My research question, how do positive and negative family relationships affect an individual’s mental and emotional health, is something that is very personal to my life and my background.” (Moore, 2018) “Thinking of the way our world would have been if Henrietta Lacks never existed is unimaginable. She has altered each of our lives in a substantial way and without her, our medical technologies would have been absolutely different. Reflecting upon this makes questions such as “would there be a polio vaccine today” or “How would the study of cancer be affected without HeLa cells” emerge. After conducting research about the way HeLa cells have aided our country, I have reached the conclusion that these miraculous cells have played a crucial role in the evolution of various medical technologies.” (Nieves, 2018) “In light of gender inequality, how was Henrietta Lacks taken advantage of, would her story had been any different if she was a male?” (Afreh, 2018) “I find this research question very intriguing as I started to notice how much smaller businesses in my own community began to profit with their social media expansion. It inspires me to someday hopefully grow into my own business and expand upon my horizons by using all sorts of networking and platforms to get my name out into the public. Another thing I have noticed by my research is that specific networks are starting to make money off of these business owners posts and are requiring them to pay for their advertisements to be posted for all of the public. Overall, this topic has taught me many new things about smaller businesses in the 21st century and I hope to create my own small businesses journey someday.” (Kocis, 2018) Time Management Activity Tracking Activity Managing priorities Setting goals Career Workshop Define VIPS Use FOCUS2 to identify unique VIPS Connect unique VIPS to future career pathways Critical Thinking Socratic Seminar Reading Strategies Inventory Learning Strategies Academic Integrity Metacognition Communication/Conflict Resolution College Culture/Out of class activities College Expectations Role Play Class Presentation Research Selecting Sources Citation Brainstorming Library Workshop