Objectives What are International Baccalaureate Courses? The Benefits IB Exams What Is It Like to Take IB? Next Steps: Help Your Child Make the Best Choices Q & A
Student Reflections 1. What do you plan to do after high school graduation? 2.What do you need to do academically to achieve that goal? 3. What are you willing to do to achieve that goal?
IB Overview Has international standards Is a 2 yr. program of 6 courses and TOK, EE, and CAS Is college level curriculum Exam scores are based on classroom work/project (IA) and May exams Exams are primarily short answer and essay. Sciences have 30 MC
IB Courses Northwestern High School English Literature/ History of the Americas A/B Spanish or French/ Biology or Chemistry A/B Math SL or Math Studies- daily year long Jr year IB 6th subject choice-- Sr year, select one below: Information Technology in a Global Society daily, year-long Music first semester and enrolled in chorus, band or orchestra Presentation Title recommended size is 20 point Trebuchet, all caps. Minimum Title size:18 point Trebuchet, all caps. Can be stacked in two lines if necessary. Maximum Title size 24 point Trebuchet, all caps.
IB Programme—Course v. Diploma IB Course Students Students take two or more IB courses separately. Students do not take all 6 IB courses. Students must take IB exam and complete the internal assessments for each course to get IB weight and IB credit. IB Diploma Students Students must take all 6 IB courses as one program of study. Students must complete additional diploma requirements (CAS, EE, TOK). Students take all 6 IB exams and complete all internal assessments to earn IB weight and credit.
IB Diploma v course IB Diploma: 6 IB courses over two years. In addition, TOK, EE, and CAS requirements for a well rounded curriculum. Course: students select individual ( or paired) courses of interest IB Math SL and Math Studies are offered as a year long in the junior year. Not paired with another subject Students are encouraged to take the diploma if they have the prerequisite courses.
Benefits A “4” on an IB exam is generally a passing score. Students may earn college credit for (HL) higher level courses with scores of 4 or higher. (At NHS: Eng, Hist, Bio or Chem) Each college determines the exact score it requires to earn college credit. Some colleges allow college credit for some (SL) courses. Students should ask the admission counselor what the university will count for college credit. Check individual college websites for updated information. Presentation Title recommended size is 20 point Trebuchet, all caps. Minimum Title size:18 point Trebuchet, all caps. Can be stacked in two lines if necessary. Maximum Title size 24 point Trebuchet, all caps.
Philosophy The IB Diploma Programme Academically challenging and balanced programme of education Education of the whole child Common language of learner profile Local and international approach Emphasis on learning as a process Encourages students to think critically and challenge information presented Presentation Title recommended size is 20 point Trebuchet, all caps. Minimum Title size:18 point Trebuchet, all caps. Can be stacked in two lines if necessary. Maximum Title size 24 point Trebuchet, all caps.
Assessments in the IB Diploma Programme To give students an opportunity to demonstrate what they know, rather than find out what they don’t know. How is this accomplished? Internal and External assessment, using established grading criteria. Assessment is criterion referenced. Assessment varies across the disciplines Assessment varies across the disciplines- oral, written, group project, labs, research Presentation Title recommended size is 20 point Trebuchet, all caps. Minimum Title size:18 point Trebuchet, all caps. Can be stacked in two lines if necessary. Maximum Title size 24 point Trebuchet, all caps.
Next Steps Level of Participation Exam Fee Managebac Fee Total Fee Senior Diploma $0 $10 Diploma Candidate Junior Anticipated Diploma $95 $15 $110 Junior Diploma Candidate Math Exam Course Student first time exam taker Junior $15 Senior $10 $105 Junior: Math Senior: Student who did not take IB Math and is a first time to take an IB exam Course student second year test taker $156 $166 Senior student who took IB Math, but is not a diploma candidate Presentation Title recommended size is 20 point Trebuchet, all caps. Minimum Title size:18 point Trebuchet, all caps. Can be stacked in two lines if necessary. Maximum Title size 24 point Trebuchet, all caps. IB EXAM FEES The above cost is a registration fee for IB exam. Addition exam fees are paid by the state and district. ROCK HILL SCHOOLS HAS A SHARED PLAN OF PAYMENT FOR IB EXAM REGISTRATION FEES. THE STATE OF SC AND DISTRICT PAY SUBJECT EXAM FEES EQUAL TO THE COST OF AP EXAMS AND THE DISTRICT PAYS THE DIFFERENCE. Managebac is a software program that links to the IB World registration site and is used for both registration and upload of several examination components. The cost passed on to students covers 50% of the total cost and the Northwestern IB budget covers the remaining 50%.