TAMU 14th Annual Assessment Conference Assessing the University Core Curriculum: Using the CAAP to Provide Student Profiles for the Departments TAMU 14th Annual Assessment Conference February 16-18, 2014 Tau Kadhi, PhD AVP for Learning Assessment West Texas A&M University
Topics Addressed Need for Assessment Assessment at West Texas A&M What are the components Assessment Cycle What is the CAAP? What do the profiles look like? Future of Assessment at WTAMU
Need for Assessment Class Average = 70% 80% 100% 80% 80% 70% 70% 70% 90% 60%
Need for Assessment Prealgebra 8 of 9 Elem Alg 8 of 9 Int Alg 4 of 9 Coord Geom 2 of 9 Coll Alg 9 of 9 Trig 4 of 9 Inter Algebra Coordinate Geom Prealgebra Coordinate Geom 0 missed Trig Coordinate Geom Inter Algebra Trig Coordinate Geom Inter Algebra Coordinate Geom Trig Elem Algebra Inter Algebra Coordinate Geom Trig Inter Algebra Coordinate Geom Prealgebra Trig
Organization of University Assessment Institutional Mission University Goals Instructional Departments Non Instructional Units Student Learning Measurable Student Learning Outcomes Library, Technology, & Student Support Outcomes Measureable Learning Support and Administrative Outcomes
Levels of Assessment Outcomes University Or System Level Graduates from our campus can apply quantitative reasoning to real-world problems. School or College Level Students who graduate in business can apply quantitative methods to business-related problems. Program Level Students who complete the Psychology program can use statistical tools to analyze and interpret data from psychological studies. Course Level Students who complete this course can calculate and interpret a variety of descriptive and inferential statistics
University Learning Assessment Reporting Core DSK GLOs
Offices Reported SACS THECB TAMUS WTAMU General Learning Outcomes Discipline Specific Knowledge (DSK) SACS TAMUS WTAMU University Academic Core (Core) General Learning Outcomes (GLOs) THECB
Direct Measures Used CAAP EPP Student Products Discipline Specific Knowledge (DSK) CAAP EPP Student Products University Academic Core (Core) General Learning Outcomes (GLOs)
WTAMU Assessment Cycle Aug 31 Assessment Plan Due Fall and Spring Semesters Jun 30 Assessment Report/Data Dissemination Profiles Due Plans of Action Articulate Mission Identify Objectives and Outcomes Determine Methods to Gather Evidence Set Criteria 5. Gather Evidence 6. Review and Analyze Results Recommend actions Make changes (Document per curriculum committee when required) PLANNING PHASE GATHERING EVIDENCE PHASE ACTION PHASE
Methodology Administer instruments during week of April 7-11, 2014: Specific courses are identified by appropriate Directors/Chairs Instruments will be ordered to specific course numbers on March 3 (approximate 250 per subject area) Assign instrument as ???% of final grade for equal student motivation (will discuss more in Jan meeting) April 1, Department Chairs to receive instruments from Tau April 14, Tau collects instruments from Directors/Chairs and sends to CAAP April 25, Tau shares raw results to Directors/Chairs for optional grades Full assessment report provided by June 30 as per cycle
CAAP/EPP Courses Tested MATHEMATICS (250 students): • MATH 1314 • MATH 1325 • MATH 2414 • MATH 2413 • MATH 1332 • MATH 1350 CRITICAL THINKING (250 students): • AGBE 2317 • COMM 2377 • CRIJ 1301 • ECON 2302 • PSYC 2301 • SOCI 1301 READING (250 students): • HIST 1302 • POSC 2306 • POSC 2305 • ENGL 2321 • ENGL 2326 WRITING (250 students): • ENGL 2311 • ENGL 1302 • MCOM 2315 • HIST 2XXX (2311 from Drumheller/Clark) • ENGL 2XXX
CAAP Content Tested MATHEMATICS: Pre-Algebra Elementary Algebra Coordinate Geometry College Algebra Trigonometry CRITICAL THINKING: Analysis of Elements of Arguments Evaluation of Arguments Extension of Arguments READING: Reasoning Skills Referring Skills WRITING: Punctuation Grammar Sentence Structure Strategy Organization Style
What do the CAAP profiles look like?
WTAMU University Profile
WTAMU College of Fine Arts and Humanities Profile
WTAMU Communications (MCOM) Program Profile
WTAMU Communications (MCOM) Program Profile
What are we working on? Spreading common assessment language Overcoming assessment myths Inclusion of Student Affairs and Student Support units University Learning Assessment Committee (ULAC) reporting of the University Academic Core Supporting Discipline Specific Knowledge (DSK) efforts Supporting General Learning Outcome (GLO) ad hoc committee efforts Organizing a comprehensive University Assessment Cycle (Assessment Audit Sheet) New reporting document (12 pages to 4 electronic pages)