Study on the place of WFD issues in 2007-2013 rural development programmes SSG meeting on WFD and agriculture 19 September 2008, Bonn Stéphanie Croguennec DG Environment
Objective Have an in-depth assessment of the rural development programmes set up in the 27 MS and accession countries in relation with water management issues
Methodology Collection of the information - Endorsed rural development programmes - Any other source of information useful for the assessment 2. Compilation of the information - Detailed assessment of each rural development programme Finalization - Summary report with strengths and weaknesses
Content of the assessment Agricultural context of the country or region Main environmental issues identified in the RDPs Extent to which the WFD is reflected in the environmental issues Place of the WFD in the global and operational objectives Measures set up to address WFD issues in each RDR axis Budget allocated Monitoring systems to follow and assess the measures
Final report Identification of possible shortcomings in the integration of the WFD into RDPs Identification of strengths and weaknesses of RDPs as regards the extent to which WFD issues have been addressed Suggestions for improvement for the next update
Timetable Draft MS reports and summary report ready for dissemination in mid-November 2008 Invitation to comment the drafts by mid-December Finalisation of the reports early 2009 Dissemination of the final version in Spring 2009
Thank you for your attention