CryoPlant Commissioning John Hogan LCLS-II Cryoplant Commissioning Workshop (@Jefferson Lab) 2018 December 4th – 5th
Outline Purpose of the Workshop Goals of the Workshop Agenda Present/discuss the details of the commissioning plan Goals of the Workshop Documented detailed commissioning plan Detailed schedule of hand-off milestones CP commissioning Interface Control Document (ICD) Matrix of required resources (staffing, infrastructure, equipment, etc.) Agenda LCLS-II CP Commissioning Workshop, 2018-Dec-4&5
Purpose of the Workshop Compressor System 4.5 K Coldbox LHe Dewar 2.0 K IB Compressor System Focusing on the effort required to commission the cryoplant (independent of the distribution system). Present & Discuss He Gas Tanks 4.5 K Coldbox the activities and resources required to successfully commission the cryoplant. LHe Dewar LN2 Dewars 2.0 K Coldbox U-TUBE JUMPER CONNECTIONS Upstream Distribution Box Downstream Distribution Box Downstream Distribution Upstream String Box Downstream String LH BC 1 L L 1 L 2 L 3 1 2 3 4 FC 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 IB Cryogenic Cryogenic Transfer 1 . 3 GHz Cryomodule End / Feed Cap Vacuum Barrier Bypass Line Cryoplant Gas Header Interface Box LCLS-II CP Commissioning Workshop, 2018-Dec-4&5
Cryoplant Overview LN2 storage C1 4.5K Cold Box C1 Oil Removal GHe storage C2 4.5K Cold Box C1 Compressors C2 Oil Removal Oil processor C2 Compressors 2K CBX Instrument Air Guard Vacuum CDS Interface Boxes LHe Dewar LHe Dewar Motor Control Center 4 LCLS-II CP Commissioning Workshop, 2018-Dec-4&5
Goals of the Workshop Detail the commissioning activities to include the following: Sequence of Activities (including durations) Resources Identified (staffing & equipment) Interface Control (Milestones, roles & responsibilities) Acceptance (performance criterion) Documentation list (Safety, Processes, Procedures) Milestone schedule for integration into project P6 System Breakdown Pre Commissioning Basic Utilities System Utilities Helium Recovery System Compressor System CHL 4.5K Cold Box System 2.1K Cold Box System LCLS-II CP Commissioning Workshop, 2018-Dec-4&5
LCLS-II Cryoplant Commissioning Workshop Agenda 04-December-2018 8:30am Introductions and Workshop Goals 8:45am SNS Cryoplant Commissioning – Past Experiences 9:30am LCLS-II Over Arching Commissioning Plan - High Level Flowchart Discussion 10:30am Break 10:45am Continue Over Arching Commissioning Plan Discussion 11:30am Detailed Discussions for ALL Subsystems Overall Prerequisites: Equipment and Piping Installation Verification Checks Equipment Specific Controls Checks Subsystem #1: Basic Utilities Preparation Equipment Specific Controls Checkout Commissioning Plan - Step-by-step equipment dependent Duration Acceptance Criteria Required Reviews, Pre and Post Commissioning– SLAC and JLab Duration and effort level 12:15pm Lunch LCLS-II CP Commissioning Workshop, 2018-Dec-4&5
LCLS-II Cryoplant Commissioning Workshop Agenda 04-December-2018 12:45pm Subsystem #2: System Utilities Continuation of morning session 1:45pm Subsystem #3: Purification Pump Purge Backfill 2:45pm Tour CHL & Workshop Van transportation provided 4:00pm Subsystem #4: Compressor System 5:15pm Adjourn for the day Detailed Discussions for ALL Subsystems Overall Prerequisites: Equipment and Piping Installation Verification Checks Equipment Specific Controls Checks Subsystem specific: Preparation Equipment Specific Controls Checkout Commissioning Plan - Step-by-step equipment dependent Duration Acceptance Criteria Required Reviews, Pre and Post Commissioning– SLAC and JLab Duration and effort level LCLS-II CP Commissioning Workshop, 2018-Dec-4&5
LCLS-II Cryoplant Commissioning Workshop Agenda 05-December-2018 8:15am Subsystem #5: 4.5K Cold Box Discussion 9:15am Subsystem #6: 2K Cold Box & Interface Boxes 10:15am Break 10:30am Continue Over Arching Commissioning Plan Discussion 11:30am Reconcile Construction Schedule with Idealized Commissioning Sequence Overall Prerequisites: Quick Review of Overall Commissioning Sequences Review of Construction Schedule with Anticipated Sub-system Availability LN2, Gas He tanks Reconciliation of Actual Delivery Sequence to Idealized Commissioning Sequence 12:15pm Lunch LCLS-II CP Commissioning Workshop, 2018-Dec-4&5
LCLS-II Cryoplant Commissioning Workshop Agenda 05-December-2018 12:30pm Commissioning Staffing Experiences– Levels, Skills Types 1:00pm Onsite Training @ JLab – Experiences from SNS 1:30pm Documentation Preparation – Status/Allocation/Plan 2:30pm Review Action Items 3:30pm Adjourn for the day LCLS-II CP Commissioning Workshop, 2018-Dec-4&5