http://www. teach-ict. com/gcse_new/software/web_design/miniweb/pg5
What are the purposes of websites? TASK: In your groups, I want you to brainstorm some of the purposes of websites. In other words, why do we use websites? Success criteria: -Bullet points -Spider diagram Extension: What do you think is good about the internet? What do you think is bad about the internet? Leader Manager Note Maker Reporter Supporter Purpose; Conventions; Homepage; Audience
Does the website use the conventions effectively? To know the conventions of a website homepages. To understand how two particular websites use the conventions. To be able to evaluate how the websites use the conventions in order to attract the target audience. Purpose; Conventions; Homepage; Audience
To know the conventions of a website homepages. Let’s read through the conventions. How many of you have heard of these words before? Do you ever find websites difficult to understand? Why? Purpose; Conventions; Homepage; Audience
To understand how two particular websites use the conventions. Practice group assignment. Label the conventions of the websites as a group. How does that convention attract the audience? Or why is that convention useful for the audience? Identify the purpose of the website. Identify the target audience for the website. Demographics Socio-economic Status Psychographics Leader Manager Note Maker Reporter Supporter Purpose; Conventions; Homepage; Audience
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