How would you describe the strengths and distinctiveness of knowledge generation by RCEs and how might this research capacity be enhanced? Knowledge is always locally relevant, applicable to life, and meaningful to communities Knowledge is freely pursued by RCEs Knowledge is respectful of ethical boundaries and linked to appropriate innovation Responsibility to disseminate knowledge Research problems and methods emerge from local problems in communities that drive innovation Inclusive, transdisciplinary themes to encourage broad multistakeholder participation Participatory action research that includes marginalized groups that is democratic and equitable
Research on to how engage communities and to make effective transformation for sustainable development Research resources from communities of learners and science; respecting and including different kinds of knowledge Acknowledgement and appreciation of sources with longterm commitment to communities building trust Research for capacity building in problem solving, bridging boundaries/interfacing, facilitating solutions, leadership Transdisciplinary and holistic research by nature of approach Research into models of action research/methodologies Research aptitude built into education curriculum from an early age
Make use of existing collaborative partnerships of RCE Create RCE networks to discuss methodologies and capacity building of researchers Awareness of transdisciplinarity among researchers Case studies of effective RCE research approaches Research training for RCEs appropriate to the research context Modules on how to do research useful for diverse settings Use of local resources and traditional technology in advancing research Open access journals and other mediums and open access policies of RCEs and UNU
How can existing research programs and accomplishments of RCEs be made more visible for various audiences? How can we document and share our knowledge and best practices more effectively? TV programs and other media campaigns (e.g. billboards) Social networking around sustainability problems (e.g. facebook, twitter) Online communities and e-portfolios Inter and intra-school debates Promotion of RCE research directly to stakeholders Promotion of RCEs, RCE partners, and RCE research through other networks (e.g. national and international conferences) Summer schools on sustainability
An RCE award/recognition for research projects and stakeholders Bulletins and traditional publications Student handbooks about RCE research and methods Having open events for public Use of alternative media forms (e.g. Community theatre, case studies framed as stories or games) Develop communication models for RCEs (e.g. websites, newsletter) Involve celebrities (sports, music, fashion, movies) Include major companies and cultural industries Assist partners in tracking and affirming for community engagement
Are there specific research objectives that are strategically important to achieve by RCEs and what research outputs are achievable in the near future? How might resources be mobilized to achieve these strategic research goals? Strategically linking universities in research processes and feedback of research results to academic communities Deliberate inclusion of traditionally overlooked disciplines (e.g., social work, humanities) and groups (e.g., indigenous peoples, community services groups, faith organizations, entrepreneurs/chambers of commerce, SME associations, cooperatives, labour organizations) Programs to immediately transfer knowledge to communities Focus on expertise and needs of elderly and physically and socially challenged Research into education for specific transformative technologies