CONTEXT In Peru, 78,5% of Primary level schools are located in rural areas. 49,5% of these are multigrade schools, in which children of different ages and grades study together, and are taught by the same teacher.
For boys and girls in rural areas to receive quality education with pedagogical, cultural and linguistic pertinence, considering the diversity of each reality. To improve their communicative and mathematical skills. To develop their skills and attitudes for a democratic and environmental friendly living, intercultural dialogue and identity building. OUR CHALLENGE
WHO PARTICIPATES? Boys and girls: direct beneficiaries. Teachers: direct agents for implementation of model in classrooms. Parents: share their knowledge with boys and girls in schools. Educational authorities, family and community: manage the model, make it viable and give continuity to the model. WHO PARTICIPATES? 11 districts 227 schools 489 teachers 10 462 boys and girls
Education and local authorities, FAMILY, COMMUNITY participation accompaniment pedagogical approach COMPONENTS OF THE MODEL BOYS AND GIRLS TEACHERS Education and local authorities, FAMILY, COMMUNITY
1.1 Multigrade Curricular Diversification and Planification Multigrade Curricular Program Skills arranged by cycle (Two grades per cycle) PEDAGOGICAL PROPOSAL Casi la totalidad de maestros y maestras del ámbito de intervención utiliza el PCM como insumo para sus programaciones. Incluso, este programa se está usando en escuelas de primaria multigrado fuera del ámbito de intervención, por propia iniciativa de sus docentes. Suggested indicators for evaluation
1.2 Availability and effective use of educational materials Production of in context materials for multigrade classrooms. PEDAGOGICAL PROPOSAL
1.2 Acceso y uso adecuado de los materiales educativos Elaboración contextualizada de materiales multigrado. Cuadernos de Trabajo Multigrado (CI, LM y PyA) PROPUESTA PEDAGÓGICA
2 ACCOMPANIMENT PROPOSAL 2.2 Multigrade Pedagogical Accompaniment The isolation multigrade teachers face makes accompaniment a fundamental issue. Accompaniment means “to accompany someone”, as opposed to the traditional rutine of “supervision”. It complements the courses and teacher training workshops as well as other events on life-long learning. A complimentary form of accompaniment is “online accompaniment”. ACCOMPANIMENT PROPOSAL entrar
3 LOCAL PARTICIPATION 3.2 School, Family and Community Participation Boys and girls learn to organize themselves and participate in decision-making regarding curricular planning, activities and school projects, as well as in their relation to the different members and institutions of the community Families participate in planning and diversification processes, as well as in caring for and developing local knowledge in school through strategies like Comunidad Educa (Community Educates), well accepted in all regions. LOCAL PARTICIPATION
Pedagogical accompaniment Pedagogical proposal Pedagogical accompaniment Participation THE MODEL AS AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM