Birney Tech Academy 2nd Grade Mrs. Maley Room 13 Back to School Night Birney Tech Academy 2nd Grade Mrs. Maley Room 13
Class Schedule *Technology will be integrated throughout the day 8:20 - 8:30 Attendance, Flag Salute, Calendar, Warm up 8:30 - 10:00 Math 10:00 -10:20 Recess 10:20 -11:20 Language Arts (RTI) 11:20 -12:10 Writing 12:15-1:00 Lunch 1:00 - 2:00 Social Studies/Science 2:00 - 2:30 Library/Reading/Technology* 2:40 Dismissal *Technology will be integrated throughout the day
Tardies/absences Please make sure your child gets to school on time. Students are considered late when the 8:15 bell rings. Students will receive a raffle ticket at the front gate each day they are on time. Please try not to take your child out early. This causes a big disruption in learning. Each day your child stays for the whole day, they will receive another raffle ticket. Please send your child to school EVERYDAY. If your child is absent, please send an excuse note right away. School wide raffles will be held periodically.
PBIS Positive Behavior, Intervention and Support Be Respectful Take Responsibility Always be Safe
Behavior Matrix Students will follow the Birney Tech Academy Behavior Matrix. The matrix is a set of expectations for students to follow in all areas of the school. (Classroom, Restroom, Cafeteria, Playground, Library and Innovation Lab) The matrix can be found on the Birney Tech Website or in the Birney Tech handbook.
Language Arts Teaming Students will receive one hour of intense language arts instruction at their level. Each child will be assigned a teacher according to his or her need as based on classroom assessments. The students will work in their assigned teaming classroom for one hour a day in reading comprehension and word skills. This program was proven very successful last year. Please make sure your child attends school everyday gets to school on time to benefit from this program.
Accelerated Reader (A.R.) A.R. is a very successful program that motivates students to read and builds their comprehension skills. Once daily work is completed, students have the opportunity to take quizzes on the computer. Students choose a book at their level, read it, then take a quiz on the computer based on the book. A record is kept of quizzes passed and students receive incentives every trimester for reaching their goal.
Testing Benchmark Tests The students will be tested using the district's benchmark tests three times a year. They will be tested in Language Arts and Math. Data collected from benchmark tests guide future instruction. Math tests- Given after each chapter/module Spelling tests- Given every Friday
Homework Homework consists of three components: Daily Math - A math activity consisting of skills taught that day in class- It must be turned in the very next day. Weekly Language Arts/Spelling packet- Will be assigned on the first day of the week and will be expected to be turned in on the last day of the week. Reading Log - Students must read nightly for at least 15 minutes Students who do not complete and turn in homework on time will lose recess time.
Reading Practice at Home Sight Words Please have your child practice the 300 words every second grader should know. Practice a few at a time until your child can read every word automatically without sounding them out. Reading Log Please have your child read aloud to you or to siblings daily for at least 15 minutes. This reading practice will help your child read faster and comprehend more.
Technology Some of programs that we will use this year: Brain Pop Adobe Spark Xtra Math SeeSaw Front Row Moby Max Go Noodle Spelling City ABCya Class Dojo GOOGLE CLASSROOM
Miscellaneous Emergency cards/library slips Parent Conferences - Fall Carnival Donations - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Kleenex and glue sticks are always needed. Box Tops- Birney received over $1,000 from Box Top collections last year. Keep them coming! PTO - Dad's Club - Please join Emergency kits Birthday celebrations- No edible treats, but you may send in goodie bags with pencils, erasers, stickers, etc.
continued Uniforms - Polo shirts/ Birney t-shirts with dark bottoms College Day- To encourage more conversations about college, students are encouraged to wear a college t-shirt every Monday. Character Counts Day- Students are encouraged to wear the color of the month every Wednesday. Spirit Day - Students are encouraged to wear a Birney t-shirt on Fridays.
Where to reach me: If you need anything from me, you can Dojo me, see me after school, text, email, or call the front office. Mrs. Maley 951-384-0041 cell
Thank you for coming! We are looking forward to a great school year!