Solving problems involving Statistics SCITT Session 9 Solving problems involving Statistics
Objectives (students will): be able to plan progressive activities in data handling; use the Data Handling Cycle in the classroom; be aware of the key role of ICT in analysing and representing data.
Associated issues for teaching Consideration of primary and secondary data; Evaluating and interpreting current information by posing appropriate questions; Key starting points for estimation; Mathematical questions – how to promote and recognise rich questions.
Mathematical Language count sort order set match pictogram Venn Diagram Carroll Diagram axes Tree Diagram block graph line graph total tally frequency questionnaire interval classify middle value grouped data Average - mean/ mode/ median range pie chart scattergraph maximum minimum
Sorting Diagrams Numbers 1-20 (inclusive) How could we sort these numbers? One set criteria…? Create a two-criteria Venn Diagram Venn & Carroll Diagrams How do these diagrams ‘match up’?
How long is a piece of string? Average How long is a piece of string? Mean Add all the values together and divide by the number of values. Mode The most common value. Median Order the values from smallest to largest…the middle value.
What types of data? Primary children need a range of data representations… (Matching activity) Which examples have you seen in your classroom?
Discrete or Continuous? What is the difference between discrete and continuous data?
Discrete data Categorical Data – data collected by counting and grouped into categories which are not linked. The categories cannot be ordered.
Continuous Data Continuous Data. Data collected by measurement. The variable can take on any value on a continuum and all values have meaning.
NC2014 expectations Read the expectations for your year group and one year either side Identify the aspects that you have already seen… talk about any different examples. What suggestions from NCETM? Read the article and follow any suggested links
Year 6 - Today we will… …read and interpret bar graphs
To do… 1. Work together to annotate the graph to help you read it. 2. Take it in turns to brainstorm 10 facts about the data presented. 3. Predict the questions… how many can you think of? 4. Share ideas with one other pair from your group. Here are some words that you might like to include in your facts (or your questions) about your graph… Fewer most more least Less than altogether difference popular favourite
Secondary data Census at School
ICT ‘Does foot size increase with height’ and Aim: Use ICT to create a Scattergraph ‘Does foot size increase with height’ and ‘Do boys have bigger feet than girls?’
Leonardo DaVinci's Vitruvian Man
ICT Census at School Data Handling ITP (modelling ratio of human body) (modelling ratio of human face)
Probability What words/ phrases/ numbers are used when talking about probability? Language Line
Reasoning Opportunities In the bag Simulation – ‘Fruit Picking’