WebCafé Slide No:1 World Cyber Cafe Association Brings to You Webcafe A Cyber Café Management Software A Software That Will Boost Your Efficiency For Managing Your Cyber Cafe
WebCafé Slide No:2 Sr. No: Page Heading Sr. No: Page Heading Sr. No: Page Heading 1. Index Page 15. Ask Questions 29. Expenses Report 2. Server Main Screen 16. Shift User Machine 30. Member Advance 3. Machine Master 17. Change User Name 31. Member Balance Report 4. Machine Master Browse 18. Merge Payments 32. Last Shutdown Status 5. Machine Master Auto Search 19. Manage Graffiti 33. Bill Printing 6. Category Master 20. Manage Client Restrictions Help 7. Create User Account 21. Manage Client Restrictions Modify User Account 22. Manage Client Restrictions Slot Master 23. User Advance 10. Rate Master 24. Cash Outflow 11. Service Masters 25. Close Client Module 12. Banned Keyword Master 26. Lock Server Module 13. Setup Screen 27. Change Transaction Data 14. Services 28. Daily Transaction Report INDEX Minimum Requirements Windows 98 and above 32 MB RAM 2 MB disk space Pentium and above LAN Connectivity
WebCafé Slide No:3 Server Screen
WebCafé Slide No:4 This is the main server screen. WebCafé Server Main Screen
WebCafé Slide No:5 This screen provides the administrator with the option to add the machines manually by specifying the ip address or he can also make use of the 'Auto search' option which searches for the machines in the network.Typically the administrator uses the 'Add' button only in case he wants to add a selected few machines in which he has installed the web café software. WebCafé Machine Master Button ClickedPage Shown Browse Slide 4 Auto Search Slide 5
WebCafé Slide No:6 The administrator can add all the machines in LAN by browsing. Machine Master Browse Browse Button / slide 3
WebCafé Slide No:7 The administrator can add all the machines in LAN by searching them automatically using this feature. Machine Master Auto Search Auto Search Button / slide 3
WebCafé Slide No:8 Category Master The administrator can specify the category to which the member belongs for e.g student & also specify the discount allowed for that category.
WebCafé Slide No:9 Create User Account screen The administrator can keep a Record of the members,& the advance money received from them. This is a one time process which the administrator can record whenever a person comes to enroll as member of the Cyber café.
WebCafé Slide No:10 Modify User Account The administrator can change records, like Users password, users category, users expiry date and also his minimum balance.
WebCafé Slide No:11 SLOT Master The administrator can set slots as per the timings(duration). The duration is set as per the 24 hr clock.
WebCafé Slide No:12 Rate Master This screen allows the administrator to set the rates for his clients as per the slot allotted.
WebCafé Slide No:13 Service masters The administrator can set the price of the services offered in his cyber café for e.g the print-out, floppy,Tea, coffee provided.Now these rates are automatically calculated if any client avails these services.
WebCafé Slide No:14 Banned Keyword Master The administrator can make use of this service to ban certain sites if he wants to restrict his clients from viewing certain sites.
WebCafé Slide No:15 The administrator can set up details like the name of the cyber café, the welcome 'text message',address of the cyber café etc. WebCafé Setup Screen
WebCafé Slide No:16 Services The client gets a list of services like print-outs, floppy disks,etc which was offered to him in the cyber café.
WebCafé Slide No:17 Ask Question The Administrator can ask question to any user using this tool.
WebCafé Slide No:18 Shift User Machine This feature enables the administrator to shift the user to another machine incase his machine hangs or some other error occurs. The user details and his current billing info are also transferred, thus retaining the bill amount.
WebCafé Slide No:19 Change User Name This feature enables the administrator to change the users name in real time.
WebCafé Slide No:20 Merge payments This feature enables the administrator to merge any number of bills into single bill.
WebCafé Slide No:21 Manage Graffiti This feature enables the Administrator to read the suggestions provided by the user, in short it works as a suggestion box.
WebCafé Slide No:22 Manage Client Restrictions As shown in the snap shot there are several categories of restrictions that can be applied on the client machines. Just select the desired category and click on Update Clients to apply the restrictions.
WebCafé Slide No:23 Manage Client Restrictions This example shows the restrictions that can be applied on the Internet Explorer. Several options like Disable right click, Internet Options and File Downloading can be applied as per your requirements.
WebCafé Slide No:24 Manage Client Restrictions This example shows the restrictions that can be applied on the Windows Explorer and the Start menu. As you can see here, restrictions like Hiding all / selected drives on the pc, removing Run, Find, ShutDown menu options etc. are available which will help you to restrict malicious users from harming your system settings.
WebCafé Slide No:25 User Advance This feature enables the administrator to upgrade the uses account in terms of money.
WebCafé Slide No:26 Cash Outflow This feature enables the administrator to maintain day-to-day petty expenses.
WebCafé Slide No:27 Close Client Module This feature enables the administrator to kill the client application running on the clients side only after he puts in the appropriate administrator password.
WebCafé Slide No:28 Lock Server Module This feature enables the administrator to lock the server module, thus prevent any malfunctioning of the server module in his absence.
WebCafé Slide No:29 Change Transaction Date This feature enables the administrator to set the date of the server module as per his requirement.
WebCafé Slide No:30 Daily Transaction Report This report gives the day to day report of the bills.
WebCafé Slide No:31 Expenses Report This gives the details of the Expenses incurred.
WebCafé Slide No:32 Member Advance This gives the details of the advances given by the members.
WebCafé Slide No:33 Member Balance Report This gives the report about the members current balance.
WebCafé Slide No:34 Last Shutdown Status The feature enables the administrator to see what was the status of the server application when it was last shutdown as incase of an power failure it helps the admin to keep a track of the activities in his cyber café
WebCafé Slide No:35 Bill Printing The administrator can remove the printout of the bill in the format displayed in the screenshot as per the users request.
WebCafé Slide No:36 Help The feature allows to view the user documentation of web café client and server module. Along with this a brief introduction of other products is also Given.
WebCafé Slide No:37 How Will You Benefit ? Take advantage of our free introductory offer And benefit. Only Rs.1 per day Now you dont have to purchase webcafe software which is running Cyber cafes across the globe, just by paying Rs.2 per day PC, you Can utilize all its features, including those which may get added on In the future. Earn Ad. Revenue! Our Server will host advertisements of sponsor companies. If your customers Click on the ad or make a purchase, you stand to earn huge commissions The actual amount will depend upon the schemes in operation.
WebCafé Slide No:38 We Appreciate your Time for Viewing Our Presentation Thank you so much !