Committee # 4: Educational Program For The MD
Continuing challenges regarding previous “findings” : Efforts continue to: Increase the content integration, particularly in Year 1 Increase student engagement in active learning
Challenges with specific LCME “standards”: ED-3 The objectives of the educational program must be made known to all medical students and to faculty, residents, and others with direct responsibility for medical student education
Challenges with specific LCME “standards”: ED-5 The medical faculty must design a curriculum that provides a general professional education, and fosters in students the ability to learn through self-directed, independent study throughout their professional lives.
Challenges with specific LCME “standards”: ED-10 The curriculum must include behavioral and socioeconomic subjects ED-24 Residents who supervise or teach medical students,…must be familiar with the educational objectives of the course or clerkship and be prepared for their roles in teaching and evaluation.
Challenges with specific LCME “standards”: ED-33 “…content that is coordinated and integrated within and across the academic periods of study “…methods of pedagogy and student evaluation that are appropriate for the achievement of the school’s educational objectives
Challenges with specific LCME “standards”: ED-36 The chief academic officer must have sufficient resources and authority to fulfill the responsibility for the management and evaluation of the curriculum.
Highlights of Responses to Guide to Self Study Questions: USFCARES objectives document and its development process Strong student performance on the step exams Positive student input on the graduation survey Positive evaluations of graduates from residency program directors Positive self-evaluation by graduates
Highlights of Responses to Guide to Self Study Questions: Integration of Year 2 into an organ-based module curriculum Creative Year 3 curriculum resulting from the PACE process CPX exams and feedback to students via utilization of the new clinical skills lab Continuity of the curriculum in developing skills in problem-solving, clinical reasoning and communication skills Feedback from clerkship directors indicate improved preparation of students for the clinical environment
Highlights of Responses to Guide to Self Study Questions: Excellent relationship among academic administration, Committee on Curriculum, and student leadership in working together to affect curricular change Institutional willingness to support curricular change PACE process and PACE outcome
Overall Strengths: Strong student performance while in medical school Strong performance of graduates as assessed by residency program directors Well defined objectives for the educational program Curricular planning, monitoring and revision Excellent collegial approach in working together to affect curricular change
Overall Strengths: The performance- based assessments of clinical skills (OSCE and CPX) Responsiveness of course directors and academic administration to student input
Overall Challenges: Reinforce awareness of USFCARES Reduction of contact hours and increase in self directed learning particularly in Year 1 Direct more curricular attention to medical socio-economic issues and nutrition Optimize the availability of small group conference rooms Stimulate the availability of faculty to participate in small group sessions
Comments Regarding Process: Committee 4 directly involved 14 faculty from 13 areas, 5 students and 3 staff members Five subcommittees reflected the LCME focus: Educational Objectives, Structure of the Educational Program, Teaching and Evaluation, Curricular Management and Evaluation of Program Effectiveness Committee 4 tasked with addressing 48 educational objectives