The wild West 9-3 Who Went West?
Warm up: Spiral Review What was one myth you learned yesterday about the wild west? Why did this myth come about?
How People Went West First transcontinental railroad took 6 years to built Finished with a Golden Spike 1912 miles long Omaha Nebraska to San Fransisco, CA Many men died building it Chinese Immigrants had the toughest jobs working on the tunnel passes in the mountains Paid about 30-35 a month (about 600-680 today) Made travel much quicker, and revolutionized the west
Conflict: Little Bighorn As settlers moved west resentful tribes led raids on the frontier towns In the 1860s settlers were killed, soldiers were ambushed and ranches burned 1868, a treaty was meant to protect the Black Hills of the Dakotas “No white person or persons shall be permitted to settle upon or occupy” or even “to pass through” Then gold was found… prospectors flooded the area! The Sioux protested the trespassers The US army was called in… Chiefs Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull led the attack against the Col. Custer and his 250 men Custer grossly underestimated the Sioux Nation All 250 men and Custer were massacred in what is know as “Custer’s Last Stand” or “Little Big Horn” Victory was short lived as more soldiers crushed the uprising
Chief Joseph Chief of Nez Perez His tribe refused to be relocated to Idaho Started a retreat to Canada to met up with Sioux Considered one of the most masterful retreats of all time 200 warriors fought 2000 soldiers over a series of battles on their retreat Also raided local villages Media referred to chief Joseph as the “Red Napoleon” Eventually surrendered and forced to relocate
Conflict: Wounded Knee 1887: the Dawes Act required native tribes to move to reservations Most of the Sioux moved to Canada or to reservations following Little Bighorn Convinced they could regain their greatness and land they began to perform rituals (Ghost Dance) The US Gov’t did not trust this and sent the army in to ban the ritual A conflict ensued and Sitting Bull was shot and killed Several hundred Sioux gathered to protest in South Dakota at Wounded Knee Creek 29 Dec 1890 the army arrives No knows who it was…but a pistol shot rang out… By time it was over 250 Sioux and 25 soldiers were dead This will end the conflicts between settlers and natives The natives had finally lost their long struggle to keep their land
Who Went West Jigsaw The class will be split into 4 groups. Silently read the passage assigned to you about a specific group who went west. When instructed, as a group you will work to fill in your chart for your group. You will be the expert on that group. DO NOT READ OTHER GROUPS READINGS You will be assigned to “teach” your info to others and they will teach you about theirs. You cannot pass your sheet around. Record (NOT COPY) the other groups into your chart.
Discovery Education Open goformative and access “9-3 Discovery Ed Chart” Click the following link after you have logged-in and read on discovery education to complete the chart on goformative -click explore! This is homework if not completed in class!!!