Call Centers How are Call Centers representative of globalization? How has India been effected by globalization?
Essay Question Write an essay on … How Bombay is a globalizing city and how call centers are affecting the people of Bombay and the rest of the world? Or How has globalization affected India, referring to Bombay call centers as a case study HW: Go to my website and follow the link in the 10th grade page. Read and TNT the information Make a rubric for the question
What is a Call Center A call center is an office where a company's inbound calls are received, or outbound calls are made. Call centers are increasingly popular in today's society, where many companized have centralized customer service and support functions. Call centers employ many staff in customer service, sales and support functions. Call centers are often large offices staffed with representatives who either make or receive phone calls. Depending on the size of the call center, a single office could have anywhere from a few dozen to hundreds of telephone staff.
The "Happy" World of Call Centers Average Indian worker pay per month: $225 Average Australian worker pay per month: $3067
Call Centers and Globalization Brainstorm Where: What for: Why there:
Typical Call Center Conversation Mr Collett: Customer: Not you again!!! Take me off your list you (bleep) and never call here again!!!! Customer: You make me sick.
If you do get interest what do you do? Surveys When you see ads for Sogo, do you feel A.) Very happy B.) Somewhat happy C.) Neutral D.) Unhappy E.) Very unhappy Sales Are you happy with your current internet services? If no…have you heard about First Media’s new package? If yes…do you know that I can save you 20% on your current package?
Who is behind it all?
So why do it? Lets find out!! Watch Bombay calling and answer these questions
Film Questions Why are Indians suited to Call Center work? Why do call centers send their work to India? Where is Alex from, where are they calling? Why does Kaz use other countries for calling also? Why does the world use the US dollar as currency? Next to the “ladies man” there is a blue poster, what does it say? Why do they learn accents and do culture training? Why did Wendy miss seeing her grandmother?
Continued… What do the old couple (sweetie’s aunt/uncle) think about the new globalized world? Why? List 5 foreign brands you see in this film Why did sweetie leave her small town for the big city? What Australian film do they show for “culture” training? How has the manager given up his culture for globalization? Do you think the global call center companies care about the workers or cash more? Why? What does the increased number of call centers do to the callers and the places they call?
After Globalization What happens to the Indian call center workers when the world starts to reject them? Discuss