Ajay kohli Georgia tech university
Better Marketing for a Better World: Research Ideas Ajay K. Kohli Gary T. and Elizabeth R. Jones Chair Georgia Tech Summer AMA Conference, Boston August 11, 2018 Ajay K. Kohli
An approach Better Marketing Better World Target customers Target collaborators Products, services Communication channels, messages Prices Customers’ decisions, behaviors and quality of life Collaborators’ decisions, behaviors and “quality of life” Environment Asset utilization – suppliers and customers/consumers Spending waste reduction – suppliers and customers/consumers
Research ideas Spending waste reduction Organizational factors that lead to marketing spend spillovers (marketing communications, promotions, sales calls to customers outside target segments). Asset utilization (or sharing economy) Factors related to an owner’s willingness to share his/her/its assets with strangers; how these vary by asset type Factors related to strangers’ willingness to share an asset with other strangers; how these vary by asset type Signals/cues of fake information on social media
Research ideas Diffusing healthfulness, pollution, education/literacy Relative effectiveness of direct messaging (e.g., using celebrities) versus “peer control,” and how the effectiveness varies by target audiences Factors that lead individuals to treat a healthy/safe/clean habit as “cool” (versus ineffective or demanding or costly) Relative influence of general messaging versus messaging at the “moment of truth” (reminder value vs. intrusion) Political marketing Conditions under which “promotion- versus prevention-focused” messaging is more effective
Research ideas Underserved customers Variations in price sensitivity of underserved customers across product types, unit costs, and product positioning Means for detecting (or signals of) “augmented truth” in sales calls, and its effect of customer purchase likelihoods across different purchase types Individual, organizational, and market factors that discourage salespeople / sales managers to be dishonest with customers
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