Economic Performance Chapter 13
Chapter Essential Questions 13.1: What are our 2 major measures of economic performance? 13.2: What is calculated at existing prices and adjusted for inflation to make comparisons over time? 13.3: What can help determine the direction of economic development? 13.4: How does economic growth increase the standard of living?
13.1 Measuring the Nation’s Output
I. GDP- The Measure of National Output Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is computed by multiplying all final goods and services produced in a 12 month period by their prices. B. GDP tells nothing about the composition of output or the impact of production on quality of life. C. Despite it’s limitations, GDP is still the best measure of overall economic health.
Economic growth can be shown through an increase in GDP. 30 True False :20
II. GNP- the Measure of National Income A. GNP is the dollar value of all final goods, services, and structures produced in one year with labor and property supplied by a country’s residents. B. Gross National Product (GNP) is equal to GDP plus all payments that American’s receive from outside the US minus all payments made to foreign owned resources inside the US.
Investopedia Presents: What is GDP? GDP vs. GNP
Other Measures of Income C. Net National Product (NNP) is equal to GNP minus depreciation. D. National Income (NI) is equal to NNP minus all taxes paid by businesses other than the corporate profits tax. E. Personal Income (PI) is the total amount of income received by individuals before taxes. F. Disposable Personal Income (DI) is PI less taxes.
Which of these is not a measure of National Income? GNP GDP Personal Income Net National Product 20 0 of 30
III. Economic Sectors and Circular Flows The consumer sector includes individuals/ households B The investment sector includes businesses. C. The govt. sector includes local, state and federal levels of government. D. The foreign sector includes all consumers, and producers outside the U.S. (X-M)
IV. The Output- Expenditure Model The output-expenditure model is a macroeconomic model used to show aggregate demand by all the economic sectors. B. The equation for the output-expenditure model is GDP= C+I+G+F C. Each sector spends its income on different types of goods and services. next→
Economic Sectors C= Consumer Sector I= Investment Sector G= Government Sector F= Foreign Sector: F=(X-M) or Exports-Imports ←back
GNP : Income as GDP : _________ 20 Seconds Remaining GNP : Income as GDP : _________ Party Demand Money Output 0 of 30
13.1 EQ Q: What are our 2 major measures of economic performance? A: GDP and GNP
13.2 GDP and Changes in the Price Level
I. Constructing a Price Index A price index is used to measure change in prices over time. B. A price index is created by selecting a base year and a representative market basket of goods.
II. Major Price Indices The consumer price index (CPI) reports changes in the prices of 80,000 consumer goods and services. B. The producer price index (PPI) reports changes in prices received by domestic producers for 3,000 commodities. C. The GDP price deflator is an index of average prices for all goods and services.
III. Real vs. Current GDP Example: (using 1996 as a base) The GDP estimate for 2003 was $10,688.4 billion. The GDP deflator was 111.90. (prices is 2003 were 111.9% higher than in 1996) Real GDP= $10.688.4 b/111.90 x100 = $9,551.7 billion Real GDP is calculated by dividing current GDP by the implicit price deflator and multiplying by 100. B. Converting current GDP into real GDP is useful for comparing GDP over time.
Why is a market basket used whenever a price index is constructed? It shows only a few items. It is a representative of purchases. It shows imported goods. :20 0 of 30
13.2 EQ Q: What is calculated at existing prices and adjusted for inflation to make comparisons over time? A: GDP!!
13.3 GDP and Population
I. Population in the U.S. A census is an official count of all people, including their places of residence. B. The Census Bureau conducts surveys every month and a full census every 10 years. C. The Census Bureau tabulates and presents its data in 2 classifications: the urban population and the rural population.
D. The rate of population growth in the US has been declining since 1860, falling to 0.9% in 2002. E. The Census Bureau tracks geographic distribution of population and reports that the population is growing in the West and South and shrinking in the Northeast and Central Plains regions.
The Census Bureau conducts a full census every month. 20 True False 0 of 30
II. Projected Population Trends Factors that affect population are the fertility rate, life expectancy, and net immigration. B. The dependency ratio will rise as a result of the aging of the baby boom generation. C. Factors that affect population will also affect the racial and ethnic makeup of the U.S.
Which of the following does NOT affect population? Fertility Rate Life Expectancy Net Immigration Geographic distribution :20 0 of 30
13.3 EQ Q: What can help determine the direction of economic development? A: Population trends!!
13.4 Economic Growth
I. Economic Growth in the U.S. Real GDP per capita: the dollar amount of real GDP produced on a per person basis. B. Economic growth is best measured by real GDP per capita. C. Real GDP per capita has grown somewhat more slowly that real GDP.
Discussion Question Q: Why is it important to look at per capita rather than total GDP? A: It shows how much output increased per person. If the population grows more rapidly than the economy, per capita GDP will fall and people will be worse off on average than they were the previous year, even if the economy grows.
II. Importance of Economic Growth Economic Growth Increases: i. The standard of living ii. The tax base, allowing the govt. to provide more and better-quality public services. iii. US demand for imports, which helps create jobs and generate income in foreign countries
Economic Growth reduces the demand for imports? 30 True False 20
B. Economic growth helps reduce poverty and related problems. C. Economic growth in the US encourages other countries to adopt market economies.
III. Factors Influencing Economic Growth Natural and renewable resources, including land and minerals B. A high capital-to- labor ratio. C. Skilled and growing labor force D. Entrepreneurs
Which of the following does NOT influence economic growth? Capital-to-resource ratio Renewable resources Skilled labor force 20 0 of 30
IV. Productivity and Growth Productivity has increased in the US since 1959. B. Declines in productivity hurt the economy.
13.4 EQ Q: How does economic growth increase the standard of living? A: When the economy grows, unemployment falls and income rises. The standard of living rises because people are able to purchase more goods and better services.