Revolutionary Force: Connecting Desire to Reality Chela Sandoval
New Citizen-Subject Foucault “The end of Western Man”. Emergence of a liberatory “something else”. Possibility of resistance. Refuse our own sense of individuality, of our identity. Egalitarian human order. Jameson Schizophrenic citizen-subject. Pathological. No strategic interventions to be made. No possibility of resistance. No possibility of a more egalitarian human order.
Periodizing Resistance Foucault Three historical stages of resistance 1)Feudalism: struggle against religious or social domination. 2)Capitalism: struggle against exploitation. 3)New Kind of Power that categorizes the individual: Struggle against the submission of subjectivity.
Methodology of the oppressed Multiplicity of identities. Marginalization Resistance to transnational cultural domination. Provides links between postmodernism and postcolonialism and social struggles against subordination.
Technologies of the methodology of the oppressed Semiotics Deconstruction Meta-ideologizing Democracy Differential movement
Affinity All of the technologies operates as a single apparatus: The physics of Love.