7X 1-13-2015 Objective: Describe the founding of the American government; review for tomorrow’s Chapter 5 test. Agenda: 1. Do Now: page 175 #1-10 all 2. Discuss Do Now and last night’s homework 3. Classwork and discussion: Page 176 #11-14 all 4. Homework: Study for your test Study Key Terms and People Study Notes Study Review Questions
Page 173 #3A and 3B 3A. Why did Congress add the Bill of Rights? Dec 1781 There was disagreement between Federalists and Anti-Federalists. Anti-Federalists would only ratify Constitution if there was a guarantee of individual rights in the form of the Bill of Rights. This was a compromise to unite the delegates and unify the states. James Madison made the Bill of Rights one of the government’s first priorities, even though he was a Federalist. He wanted to compromise and get the Constitution ratified. The Bill of Rights were added as the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. Amendments make the Constitution more flexible and lasting. 3B. Inspiration for the Bill of Rights came from official documents like the Virginia Declaration of Rights, English Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. The Founding Fathers also got ideas from state ratifying conventions.
Settle conflict with states 11A. What powers did the Articles of Confederation give the national government? Settle conflict with states Borrow money and soldier, but states can refuse Treaties with other countries and Native Americans Each state had an equal vote (one vote) One branch (Congress – legislative branch – they can only make laws)
Page 176 #11-14 11A. What powers did the Articles of Confederation give the national government? Borrow money, but states had the power to deny Ask for soldiers, but the states had the power to deny Make treaties with other countries and Native Americans Weak union of states One branch, legislative – they can only make laws, limited powers. One vote per state Too weak as shown by its failure during Shays’ Rebellion Massachusetts – Daniel Shays and other poor farmers shut down judicial system because of high taxes on the land they couldn’t pay. The courts were seizing their land. The federal government did not handle this situation well.
11B What did the Confederation Congress do to increase the power of the United States? They expanded Northwest. They got more land. They created a system of making states: The Land Ordinance of 1785: mapped out land and separated it into different: townships and gave land to schools and veterans. The rest they sold in order to pay debts and increase population there. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787: a system to officially bring states into the Union.
11B. What did the Confederation Congress do to strengthen the United States? Made a Land Ordinance of 1785 – set up a system for recording and dividing land (organizing the territory) – townships; prioritized public schools and veterans. Northwest Ordinance of 1787: established the Northwest Territory. All of this was necessary because we needed money. These ordinances organized the extra land to be sold and taxed.
12 B. attitude of foreign countries Britain: there were some hostility left: slow at demilitarizing in American territories, but didn’t want another war. Britain blocked trade with America using high taxes (tariffs) on American goods. Spain: closed the lower half of the Mississippi River – crippled trade for Southern and Western States. America had no army so we couldn’t do anything about it. Spain did not respect us. And when we started negotiations, our delegates were either disorganized, miscommunicated and did not keep our word. PROBLEMS UNDER THE ARTICLES: Weak federal government Bad relations with foreign countries Economy: inflation (money has less value because there is too much, prices go up) depression Trade Among States: not easy, had different laws and money was worth differently Some states printed their own money inflation and depression Other states put high taxes on land Shays’ Rebellion