“Love is a Many Splendored Thing!” Ephesians 5:28-33
Most wives don’t think they are “loved too much,” instead most wives today are sadly neglected…
This well known preacher of Moody Bible Institute was told, “I love my wife too much. In fact, I’ve put her on such a high plane I fear it is sin.” Harry R. Ironside
“Will I be acquitted?”
to review how love really is a splendored thing God’s way Purpose: to review how love really is a splendored thing God’s way
I Greek Terms for LOVE A. “Agape” agaph -- Love is SERVING
“So long as we love we serve.”
1 Corinthians 13:8a “Love never fails…”
I Greek Terms for LOVE A. “Agape” agaph -- Love is SERVING B. “Phileo” filew -- Love is FRIENDSHIP
“City of Brotherly Love” Philadelphia “City of Brotherly Love”
I Greek Terms for LOVE A. “Agape” agaph -- Love is SERVING B. “Phileo” filew -- Love is FRIENDSHIP C. “Eros” eros – Love is PASSIONATE
Tale of two women and one man… Zhivago struggles to “love” both his wife and his mistress…
“… and Amnon the son of David loved Tamar.” 2 Samuel 13:1 “… and Amnon the son of David loved Tamar.”
“But Amnon had a friend…” 2 Samuel 13:3 “But Amnon had a friend…”
2 Samuel 13:15 “Amnon hated her with very great hatred; for the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love which he had loved her.”
II Hebrew Terms for LOVE A. “Ahaba” -- Love is COURTING
Genesis 29:20 “So, Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love (ahaba) for her.”
“courting” or “wooing” are lost words…
II Hebrew Terms for LOVE A. “Ahaba” -- Love is COURTING B. “Hessed” – Love is COVENANT
Lamentation 3:22-23 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Mary and Martha illustrate the languages of love…
“Will I start to die right away?”… Conclusion/Summary: “Will I start to die right away?”… With such love, our Lord loves the Church. Men, we ought also to love our wives!