OVERVIEW Need to document the inspection activities for quality FHWA Requirements Need to document the inspection activities for quality of workmanship Risk Based Inspection prioritization Streamlined and standardized data gathering Computer based document storage
Changes to the Manual of Procedures New process outlined in the 2017 MOP Inspection and Documentation activities have been prioritized! Engineering and Inspection staff will provide documentation for: Quantity for Payment Quality of Materials Quality of Construction
Prioritization of Inspection Activities Level 1 – Full time inspection RISK BASED PRIORITIES Prioritization of Inspection Activities Level 1 – Full time inspection Structure Concrete, piling Level 2 – Intermittent inspection Guardrail, 611 items, majority of our items Level 3 – End product Inspection Removals, mobilization, incidentals Level 1 – Full time inspection. Inspection performed continuously while the item is actively under construction. This level of inspection is required for items where the consequence of failure could result in a catastrophic, life-threatening safety hazard. Level 2 – Intermittent inspection. Inspection performed on an as needed basis, normally once per day, but focusing on initial setups and critical attributes when the item is actively under construction. This level of inspection is specified for items where the consequence of failure would directly affect environmental compliance, or where repair would delay the project or cause safety considerations. This priority level also includes items that require multi-activity construction processes. Inspection may occur as interim activities in the construction process are completed and before being covered or hidden by subsequent operations.. Level 3 – End product Inspection. Does not require inspection and construction quality documentation while the item is actively under construction, but inspection must be completed before the project is accepted. This level of inspection is specified for items where the consequence of failure is considered minimal in terms of Project performance. Generally, inspection may be completed by observation of the end product.
Prioritization of Documentation Requirements 1 - Minimum once per day RISK BASED PRIORITIES Prioritization of Documentation Requirements 1 - Minimum once per day 2 - Minimum once per Item 3 - Minimum once per group of similar items REMEMBER: Level 1 – Minimum once per day. Construction quality documentation frequency is typically required on a daily basis during active work specific to the item. Level 2 – Minimum once per Item. Construction quality documentation frequency is required at major intervals in the construction process of the item (e.g. prior to being covered or hidden by subsequent work) and shall not occur less than once during the Project. Level 3 – Minimum once per group of similar items. Construction quality documentation is required once per Project for all similar items (e.g., all shrubs, all traffic symbols…)
RISK BASED PRIORITIES. Inspection Priority and Form Selection List / RISK BASED PRIORITIES Inspection Priority and Form Selection List / Project Specific Priority List http://www.dot.state.oh.us/Divisions/ConstructionMgt/Admin/Pages/InspectionForms.aspx
HISTORY OF NEW PROCESS - 2017 Pilot began July 2017 2 Pilot projects per District All forms were completed All Personnel had some type of Portable Electronic Device (Android tablet, iPad, iPhone, HP x360 2 in 1)
2018 – GoFormz went live Statewide January 1, 2018 – all projects sold on or after this date are using GoFormz Uniformity across all districts – Engineers and inspectors all use same forms All Districts have been trained Bi-weekly Risk Based Inspection/GoFormz teleconferences during the season Central Office Construction Administration Leadership AASHTOWare Project SiteManager e-Construction Group The Construction Administration Specialists District & Consultant call ins! Consultant training sessions
NEW PROCESS FLOWCHART Determine the Priority of Inspection and Documentation required for specific item of work Complete Quality and/or Quantity Forms All documentation will be stored to SharePoint as PDF If a non-conformance is noted - forms are automatically flagged in title on PDF Non-conformance tracker follows correction
Where do we go from here??
AASHTOWare Project C&M Implementation 2020
AWP is coming... ODOT is upgrading the construction administration software AASHTOWare Project SiteManager legacy system to the enterprise- wide web based solution of AASHTOWare Project - Construction & Materials module Early 2020 Since March of 2018 ODOT has been actively and aggressively working to upgrade to the AASHTOWare Project Construction & Materials system. This new application is web based so that all users will be able to access any where. We will be deploying the new system in early 2020.
Intent ODOT is implementing AASHTOWare Project web based system as a replacement of the AASHTOWare Project SiteManager construction and materials management system from the ground up statewide. To streamline processes, provide a platform to collaborate with stakeholders, utilize a unified database for all AASHTOWare modules, gain efficiency, to stay current in technological advances, integrate materials and construction management systems, allow for continual, seamless, and transparent upgrades and enhancements, provide external access to the system, collaboratively and constructively assessing business processes and making updates to meet business needs with an implementation team structure that includes expertise for each functional area with subject matter experts throughout the state Our intent is to replace the current AASHTOWare Project SiteManager system with the web based AASHTOWare Project Construction & Materials system which we now call “AWP”. AWP will provide many new opportunities for all stakeholders working with us to administer our Construction projects. We will be able to stay current with versions and new technology. We will be able to integrate the Materials functionality into one system.
Improvements Single Sign On (SSO) for all (internal and external) users This will be for Construction & Materials and Civil Rights & Labor modules Inclusion of the current TE24 Virtual Warehouse and QPL external systems to the AASHTOWare Project - Construction & Materials module Improve experience, performance, and transparency There will be many benefits with our upgrade but some of the ones highlighted here will have the greatest statewide impact from the onset. SSO Inclusion of TE24 and QPL Experience Performance Transparency
Improvements Increased use of mobile applications Mobile Inspector Field Interviewer Mobile Materials Sampler Direct access for external stakeholders FHWA Contractors Producers/Suppliers Local Participating Agencies Our field staff will be able to stay mobile and effective even if they don’t have connectivity through mobile applications. Our External Stakeholders will be able to access information and reports directly upon demand. Contractors will be given access to enter their SubContracts directly into the system. Approve Change Orders and progressive Estimates. Enter Mix Design information and more. And that is just with the Construction and Materials side. Contractors will also be able to enter payroll and prompt payment information as well as other CRL requirements in the AWP system.
With this upgrade we will be in the unified database of the AASHTOWare Project Suite - so all information will “current” for any module no matter what task is performed. This will also be a large benefit to the contractors as they will have one system to input information, not many.
Implementation Schedule 9/2019 – 2/2020 Training Explain the schedule so far and our expectations moving forward.
Training - External Stakeholders Contractors, Consultants, and Producers & Suppliers will receive training Fall 2019 Contractors will be able to select modules that their personnel will need to be trained Construction & Materials Civil Rights & Labor BOTH We will be working with contracting community to set up locations and dates Continue explanation and lay out desired attendance and requests
Training It is our intent to train our external stakeholders first and then our internal staff There will be several opportunities to take the training(s) We will conduct in-person training, as well as, links to videos and guides afterwards Continue explanation and lay out desired attendance and requests
Questions? Continue explanation and lay out desired attendance and requests