Cloud Migration: Manuka Health The company relied on hand coded programs to move data between applications and business units The absence of an integrated, service based, data integration solution: Created an inflexible data infrastructure Time consuming, labor-intensive processes, to reformat data for use by other applications Resulting in increased operational costs when IT changes were required by the business Accumulated technical debt caused by reliance on legacy applications which, were no longer supported and, were difficult to maintain Increased the cost and complexity of trying to adapt applications to changing business requirements
Solutions LogiXTechnology addressed the customer’s data integration issues by creating a flexible solution by leveraging the MuleSoft-CloudHub as the Enterprise Service Bus, along with MS Azure API Results The company achieved new levels of financial performance through enhanced collaboration at all levels of the organization. Reduce IT costs by: Eliminating outdated technologies and hardware. Reduced IT Capital Expenses Improved efficiency by significantly reducing manual processes. Next-step Modernizing the reporting system and develop the new BI approach as soon as all business system’s data are transformed and consolidated in the Cloud
Customer Success Deliverables: Ability to identify, monitor and track hive strength enables the placement of the strongest hives and expedites delivery of the drums of honey from the farmer to the inventory and supply chain system. Increased sales from service levels, reduction in finished goods inventory and cost savings from improved operational efficiencies. Automate the honey delivery from farm and drum to in-house testing and processing facility Automated ‘Triple shot’ (MGO, DHA and HMF) testing when samples arrive allows honey to be processed more rapidly than with the previous manual process. All data, processes “from farm – lab – factory – market” are now harmonized and centralized to reduce costs and improve turnaround times.