Pathfinder Instructor’s Award
Dealing With Attitude Attitude is a mindset - Dynamic - Mostly a choice Positive attitude - Gives courage - Creative - Enhances positive traits - More gets done - Attracts positive help
Dealing With Attitude “Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances…” Victor Frankl
Dealing With Attitude Everyone needs attitude adjustment sometimes - Personal - Limiting beliefs - Lack of gratitude - Exhaustion - Fear - Environment - Negative people - Discouragement in the group - Difficult circumstances - Unrealistic expectations - Lack of resources
Dealing With Attitude Everyone needs attitude adjustment sometimes - Self-image - Personal attacks - Personal history - Recent failures - Wear-and-tear - Normal let-down after major project - Too long without a break - Unresolvable issues
Dealing With Attitude Everyone needs attitude adjustment sometimes - Common needs - Acknowledge your negativity - Avoid blaming others - Admit your mistakes - Find your negative triggers - Decide to change
Dealing With Attitude Everyone needs attitude adjustment sometimes - Universal helps - Humour !!! - Spiritual retreat - Act positive - Help others - Exercise and health - Look on the bright side - Practice gratitude - Make a plan
Dealing With Attitude Everyone needs attitude adjustment sometimes - Environment - Seek out positive people - Join a successful project - Find or create a quiet place - Refuse to take others’ worries - Clarify your mission - Listen proactively to others - Listen to good music
Dealing With Attitude Everyone needs an attitude adjustment sometimes. - Self-image - Create success reminders - Talk with mentors and counsellors - Change self-talk - Celebrate success - Seek positive friends - Look good - Stop procrastinating - Face your flaws - Face your fears - Learn something new
Dealing With Attitude Everyone needs an attitude adjustment sometimes. - Wear-and-tear - Focus on essentials - Reduce workload - Take mini-breaks - Change responsibilities - Ask for feedback
Dealing With Attitude Take Responsibility
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