CONTENT Annual performance monitoring Overall Departmental performance 3. Communication and Outreach key 4. Delivery Agreement - Outcome 8 Job Creation 6. Accreditation of Municipalities 7. Turnaround Strategy 8. Entities performance Matters for action and redress Delivery performance Financial issues
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN MONITORING APRIL – JUNE 2011 PROGRAMME/SUB-PROGRAMME TOTAL APPROVED TARGETS TARGETS ACHIEVED Total and (%) TARGETS NOT ACHIEVED DG’s Office 37 18 (49) 19(51) Corporate Services 33 14 (42) 19 (58) Housing Policy, Research and Monitoring 20 15(75) 5(25) Housing Planning and Delivery Support 124 43(35) 81(65) Housing Development Finance 27 23(85) 4(15) Strategic Relations And Governance 57 49(86) 8(14) National Department Of Human Settlements 298 162(54) 136(46)
COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH KEY Date Municipality Venue Nature 1 11 May Seshego - Polokwane Limpopo Community Residential Units at Seshego House Hand over of Community Residential Units 2 12 May Mitchells plain, Cape Town Morgens Village Site Morgan’s Village III Launch 3 09 June Molemole Municipality Limpopo Ga-Madikana and New Stands To commemorate the 1976 Youth Uprisings Every year, a Youth Build is undertaken as part of the Youth month programme which is celebrated in June every year. 4 18 July Cape Town, Western Cape Legacy Project, Conifers Blue Downs, Cape Town Legacy Project Launch by Minister on the 18th July 2011. Coincide with Mandela Day. Downs.
COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH KEY Date Municipality Venue Nature 5. 21-22 July Olive Convention Centre, Durban KZN Provide a platform for broad consultation on Departmental Youth Programme To solicit inputs from youth sector stakeholders on the human settlements 2030 vision 6. 21 July Lake Haven Project Launch and Youth Summit 7. 01-18 August Free State Women’s Build and launch of Brandwag Social Housing Project 8. 12 August Hand over Houses built by Afrisam 9. 23 August Northern Cape Hand over houses in China Square built by Women Contractors
COMMUNICATION AND OUTREACH KEY Budget Vote 2011/12 on the 22 April 2011. Freedom Day – The Department participated and supported in the National Freedom Day celebrations 27 April 2011. Dromedaries Launch - Minister also launched the project in Du Noon in Cape Town. 4. Youth Build Limpopo – Minister Sexwale and MEC Lekganyane handed over 76 houses in commemoration of the 1976 Youth on the 07th June 2011.
DELIVERY AGREEMENT OUTCOME 8 OUTPUT PROGRESS Accelerated delivery of housing opportunities NUSP performing well and delivered 52 383 serviced sites against a target of 27 054 serviced sites for 2010/2011. Total of 9 655 rental units delivered in the Social Housing (100%), Institutional Subsidy Programme (172.3%) and CRU programme (110.9%) Access to basic services Water – 95% Sanitations – 82% Refuse removal – 71.3% Electricity – 96% SHS& Basic Services Task Team established to review and revise norms and standards. Efficient utilisation of land for human settlements Total of 4 944,5 ha of land acquired by Provincial Human Settlements Departments and the HDA acquired 309 properties representing 812,8 ha. 5. Improved property market Establishment of Mortgage Default Insurance (MDI) approved by NHFC and shareholders and interest of commercial banks confirmed. The revisions of FLISP policy completed for approval.
DELIVERY AGREEMENT OUTCOME 8 MATTERS REQUIRING ATTENTION AND ACTIONS: Output 1: Improved technical support and capacity buidling to municipalities and provinces by NUSP. Output 2: Uniform norms and standards for basic services and human settlements service standards provided at municipal and provincial spheres. The Human Settlements & Basic Services Task Team is addressing this matter. Output 3: Policy approval, coordination and implementation at provincial and municipal spheres of higher densities. Output 4: MDI only address 30% of target and DFIs another 20%, leaving 50% unresolved. The DFI performances should be enhanced by picking institutions and associated product lines that perform exceptionally well and channelling additional funding and capacity towards these “winners”.
DELIVERY AGREEMENT OUTCOME 8 INSTITUTIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PROCESSES Technical Human Settlements Implementation Forum and Human Settlement Implementation Forum are convened & considered and approve the POA Reports for Outcome 8 The POA report is finalised in consultation with Provincial Human Settlement Departments, Housing Entities, as well as the Departments of Public Enterprises, Public Works, Rural Development and Land Reform, and Cooperative Governance. The Sustainable Human Settlements and Basic Services Task Team has been established to provide policy and implementation support to Outcome 8. There will be Delivery Agreements to be entered into with relevant municipalities for the implementation of Outcome 8
JOB CREATION The Department has developed a model to measure and report on job creation. 2. The model covers the entire delivery chain of human settlements development and measures direct, indirect and induced job creation. 4 The model results shows that the Department, based on delivery figures has created 14,868 direct jobs during construction as well as 7,510 indirect jobs which totals 22,378 job opportunities.
ACCREDITATION OF MUNICIPALITIES The preparations have been completed for the assessment of the next round of municipalities for accreditation and includes Polokwane, Emahlahleni, Mangaung and Buffalo City. Post-accreditation support is being provided and ongoing for the transition, transfer and delegation of housing functions to provinces and the eight municipalities provided with compliance certificates. The National Accreditation Assessment Panel has commenced work in the various provinces and municipalities. .
TURNAROUND STRATEGY The Department has completed its Turnaround Strategy, and will be presented to the Portfolio Committee in the near future. The necessary submissions for approval by Department of Public Service and Administration have been completed. During the period under review the drafting of the organogram and job evaluations commenced. The processes to establish the Programme Management Unit has commenced, and it forms part of the new organogram.
ENTITIES PERFORMANCE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGENCY A total of 1. 12 138.2760 hectares of state land have been identified for evaluation. 30 pre-acquisition feasibility assessments were commenced. The evaluation of 6692 Transnet properties were commissioned. A request submitted to Transnet for the 309 properties totalling 812.8267 hectares. A total of 175 hectares and two propoerties acquired from Servcon. A multipurpose community centre in Port Elizabeth, part of the Zanemvula was completed. .
ENTITIES PERFORMANCE SOCIAL HOUSING REGISTRATION AUTHORITY A total of 18 Social Housing Institutions were accredited for the 2011/12 financial year during the period under review and an intervention grant approved for one institution. The compliance monitoring of all accredited SHIs completed. The draft Regulations updated and presented to the Department. The calls for proposals for the SHIP 2 and assessments for the 2011/12 financial year was concluded. Five projects were approved in Kwa Zulu Natal, Free State, Western Cape and Gauteng provinces. The number of units in the approved projects for the first quarter is 2347 which exceeds the annual target of 1712 by 37 percent or 635 units. .
ENTITIES PERFORMANCE NATIONAL URBAN RECONSTRUCTION HOUSING AGENCY The value of loans has achieved in the quarter under review - the target was R29.560m and R30.588m. was advanced for Subsidy Housing Programme A total of 7 contracts were signed in the first quarter in the for the subsidy housing programme The value of projects in the subsidy housing programme achieved 88% totalling R186.760m. A total of 8 projects were completed against a target of 9 for the Infrastructure and Community Facilities A total of 1244 houses were financed for construction in the subsidy housing programme. .
ENTITIES PERFORMANCE RURAL HOUSING LOAN FUND The total number of new loans for the quarter was 8801 The RHLF made cash disbursements of R12,5million to its intermediaries excluding mezzanine funding. The total disbursements to provinces was R47.296m including mezzanine funding. A total of 56.8% of loans disbursed in the period was to households with an income of less than R3500 per month. Of the loans disbursed 79.4% were to households in non metropolitan areas .
NATIONAL HOME BUILDERS REGISTRATION COUNCIL ENTITIES PERFORMANCE NATIONAL HOME BUILDERS REGISTRATION COUNCIL A total of 631 new registrations were completed with a target of 700 – A variance of 10%. A total of 2,523 renewals completed against a target of 3,000 – A variance of 16%. A total of 8,939 enrolments compared to a target of 7,297 – A variance of 23%. Late Enrolment of Houses – 167 against a target of 450. A total of 102 complaints received and 18 were closed. An average inspection ratio of 2.7 against an expected ratio of 4.0. The submissions target for the quarter was 26,438 actual performance was 29,159 units. The variance is due to high volumes of submissions from KZN and Eastern Cape provinces. .
ENTITIES PERFORMANCE NATIONAL HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION During the period under review work progressed to activate the Mortgage Default Insurance including submissions to Treasury for approvals as well as submission of a Cabinet memorandum for approval by Cabinet. The process to sell the retail book commenced. A total amount of R354 million in approvals were processed during the period and projects to the value of R1.058bn are in the currently in the approval pipeline. The total funding impact was R373 million for the first quarter against a target of R537 million. The total developmental impact was 4478 units benefitting 16 785 people and approximately 878 jobs created. .
MATTERS FOR ACTION AND REDRESS The Department recognizes the need to improve capacity for monitoring and oversight both internally and externally – In the revised organizational structure the Programme Management Unit is a Branch with monitoring and intervention as a key component A need has been identified to implement an electronic performance management system to ensure steps taken to redress the less than satisfactory programme performance and necessary bids invited
MATTERS FOR ACTION AND REDRESS The Department has noted the negative variances in the provincial performance against approved business plans and the provinces have been requested to provide explanations and mitigation measures – Provincial oversights are being conducted by the Department to key Provinces for intervention. The internal focus of the Department programmes negates it role as the sector leader for human settlements development – A Branch for Strategy and Planning is to be established.
ALLOCATION PER PROGRAMME Revised estimate Medium term estimates Rand thousand 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Administration 211,997 232,435 238,380 252,392 Housing Policy, Research and Monitoring 47,686 39,215 46,633 44,035 Housing Planning and Delivery Support 225,221 156,163 178,520 223,773 Housing Development Finance 18,663,357 21,995,147 24,253,309 25,947,289 Strategic Relations and Governance 157,660 155,535 158,215 207,250 Total 19,305,921 22,578,495 24,875,057 26,674,739
ALLOCATION PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Revised estimate Medium term estimates Rand thousand 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Compensation of employees 289,006 319,004 331,890 346,841 Goods and services 337,431 322,670 350,577 441,024 Interest and rent on land 485 530 Transfers and subsidies 18,506,924 21,700,605 23,707,976 25,364,438 Payments for capital assets 172,075 235,686 484,084 521,906 Total Payments 19,305,921 22,578,495 24,875,057 26,674,739
EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME - 30 JUNE 2011 Programmes Expenditure Total Allocation Variance % Spent 1. Administration 25,320,053 232,435,000 207,114,947 11% 2. Housing Policy, Research and Monitoring 7,815,871 39,215,000 31,399,129 20% 3. Housing Planning and Delivery Support 27,596,939 156,163,000 128,566,061 18% 4. Housing Development Finance 3,869,901,136 21,995,147,000 18,125,245,864 5. Strategic Relations and Governance 15,431,327 155,535,000 140,103,673 10% 3,946,065,326 22,578,495,000 18,632,429,674 17%
EXPENDITURE PER CLASSIFICATION - 30 JUNE 2011 Economic Classification Expenditure Total Allocation Variance % Spent Compensation of employees 57,265,492 309,860,000 252,594,508 18% Goods and services 26,130,241 326,913,000 300,782,759 8% Comprises of: Administrative Fees 59,212 722,000 662,788 Advertising 541,861 14,606,090 14,064,229 4% Assets less R5 000 181,648 5,345,010 5,163,362 3% Audit cost: External 1,413,899 6,989,000 5,575,101 20% Bursaries (employees) 127,699 2,198,500 2,070,801 6% Catering: Departmental activities 629,488 3,065,700 2,436,212 21% Communication 1,811,887 11,527,376 9,715,489 16% Computer services 1,028,051 58,488,444 57,460,393 2% Consultants and professional service: Business and advisory service 5,541,415 103,370,800 97,829,385 5% Consultants and professional service: Legal cost 714,018 1,509,000 794,982 47% Contractors 644,241 4,135,816 3,491,575 Agency and support / outsourced services 175,001 6,645,000 6,469,999 Entertainment 30,786 1,072,082 1,041,296
Economic Classification Expenditure Total Allocation Variance % Spent Inventory 835,246 11,013,798 10,178,552 8% Lease payments 532,791 35,077,000 34,544,209 2% Property payments 288,840 2,453,000 2,164,160 12% Travel and subsistence 8,331,742 39,282,684 30,950,942 21% Training and development 284,304 4,917,582 4,633,278 6% Operating expenditure 478,657 8,960,556 8,481,899 5% Venues and facilities 2,479,455 5,533,562 3,054,107 45% Interest Paid Financial Leases 71,039 879,000 807,961 Payments For Financial Assets 300 10,000 9,700 3% Transfers and Subsidies 3,858,522,392 21,700,605,000 17,842,082,608 18% Provincial and Local Governments 3,528,147,000 21,208,514,000 17,680,367,000 17% Departmental Agencies & Accounts 327,730,000 487,091,000 159,361,000 67% Foreign Gov & International Organ 1,000,000 0% Public Corporation & Private Enterprise Households 2,645,392 4,000,000 1,354,608 66% Payment for Capital Assets 4,075,862 240,228,000 236,152,138 Building & Other Fix Structure 3,949,413 231,500,000 227,550,587 Machinery and equipment 126,449 8,503,000 8,376,551 1% Software & Intangible Assets 225,000 Total 3,946,065,326 22,578,495,000 18,632,429,674
OPERATIONAL EXPENDITURE Programmes Expenditure Total Allocation Variance % Spent 1. Administration 25,320,053 232,435,000 207,114,947 11% 2. Housing Policy, Research and Monitoring 7,815,871 39,215,000 31,399,129 20% 3. Housing Planning and Delivery Support 27,596,939 156,163,000 128,566,061 18% 4. Housing Development Finance 10,074,723 68,042,000 57,967,277 15% 5. Strategic Relations and Governance 15,431,327 155,535,000 140,103,673 10% Total 86,238,913 651,390,000 565,151,087 13% Note: Expenditure excludes Grants and Departmental Agencies.
DETAIL OF TRANSFER PAYMENTS Expenditure Budget Variance % Spent Human Settlements Development Grant 3,528,147,000 14,941,516,000 11,413,369,000 24% Rural Households Infrastructure Development 3,949,413 231,500,000 227,550,587 2% Urban Settlements Development Grant - 6,266,998,000 0% Social Housing Regulatory Authority: Operational 19,305,000 Rural Housing Loan Fund 49,500,000 Housing Development Agency 26,730,000 89,100,000 62,370,000 30% National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency 100,000,000 100% Social Housing Foundation 3,018,000 Social Housing Regulatory Authority: Capital Restructuring Grant 201,000,000 226,168,000 25,168,000 89% Total 3,658,826,413 21,927,105,000 18,067,278,587 17%
EXPENDITURE PER PROGRAMME - 31 JULY 2011 Programmes Total Allocation 1 Expenditure 2 Variance =2 - 1 % Spent 1. Administration 34,890,972 232,435,000 197,544,028 15% 2. Housing Policy, Research and Monitoring 11,232,952 39,215,000 27,982,048 29% 3. Housing Planning and Delivery Support 43,451,073 156,163,000 112,711,927 28% 4. Housing Development Finance 7,361,742,835 21,995,147,000 14,633,404,165 33% 5. Strategic Relations and Governance 23,108,879 155,535,000 132,426,121 Total 7,474,426,711 22,578,495,000 15,104,068,289
DELIVERY PERFORMANCE – 31 JULY 2011 Province Delivery Targets Delivery Performance Variance Delivery Sites Variance Delivery Top Structure Total Variance Delivery Sites (Units) Top Structure (units) Total Delivery Targets Sites Top Structure Total Delivery performance Eastern Cape 5,220 5,140 10,360 1,700 3,283 4,983 (3,520) (1,857) (5,377) Free State 2,560 2,509 5,069 2,455 (2,560) (54) (2,614) Gauteng 5,202 11,431 16,633 1,712 8,831 10,543 (3,490) (2,600) (6,090) KwaZulu-Natal 2,953 8,529 11,482 1,849 7,468 9,317 (1,104) (1,061) (2,165) Limpopo 1,000 4,470 5,470 229 2,422 2,651 (771) (2,048) (2,819) Mpumalanga 2,745 3,465 6,210 - 2,482 (983) (3,728) Northern Cape 510 1,160 1,670 609 1,007 1,616 99 (153) North West 1,510 4,620 6,130 2,616 4,940 7,556 1,106 320 1,426 Western Cape 4,362 4,213 8,575 2,092 3,054 5,146 (2,270) (1,159) (3,429) Total 26,062 45,537 71,599 10,807 35,942 46,749 (15,255) (9,595) (24,850)