Africa and Africans in the Age of the Atlantic Slave Trade


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Presentation transcript:

Africa and Africans in the Age of the Atlantic Slave Trade Chapter 20

The Portuguese in Africa Established Factories El Mina- gold trade- most important Not powerful enough to impose will on Africans Most forts were established only after receiving consent of local leaders

Portuguese created some settlements No POLITICAL control Not like Latin America Primarily commercial interests Use of force and diplomacy Missionary effort- why?

How they saw each other Africans viewed Portuguese as strange but incorporated them into their world Portuguese saw Africans as savages who could be civilized and converted

Statistics Between 1450 and 1750, 12 million Africans transported across Atlantic 80% transported between 1700s and 1800s High volume necessary due to high mortality and low fertility Advent of sugar plantations

Slave trade with Muslim world continues Rates of trade reflect changing economic and political situation in the New World Slave trade with Muslim world continues 3 million transported between 1450 and 1750

Demographics Trade with Muslim world tended to focus on women Atlantic slave trade tended to focus on men African population reduced by half of what it would have been without slave trade by 1750

Organization Portuguese controlled up until 1630 Dutch seized control of El Mina in 1637, became major competitors 1660 English charter Royal African Company to engage in slave trade 18th century, France becomes a major trader Trading forts/merchant towns est.

Both Africans and Europeans involved in slave trade Drew African economy into world economy Contributed to formation of early capitalism in the Atlantic Resulted in African economies becoming dependent on trade with Europe

Part II: African Societies, Slavery, and the Slave Trade

Slaving and African Politics Most African states= small/unstable Increasing frequency of wars led to increasing need for improved weaponry Power shifted = European coastal presence Coastal and Inland kingdoms gained power by gaining guns and working as intermediaries to the Europeans in the slave trade

How were the slaves obtained? Interior to the coastal regions Sale of slaves by tribal chiefs POWs from tribal wars** Potential plotters against tribe Criminals Refugees Kidnapping

Asante- West Africa Gained access to firearms in 1650 and began expanding Became the dominant power on the gold coast up until 1820

Dahomey- Slaving State 1720s Used access to firearms to form an autocratic state Primary economic activity relied on the slave trade Growth of absolute rulers paralleled the rise of absolutism in Europe

East Africa Swahili towns continue commerce in gold, ivory, and slaves with Middle Eastern markets Ottoman Turks and Portuguese Indian Ocean Plantations est. on eastern coast by merchants

Part III: White Settlers and Africans in South Africa

South Africa 1652- Dutch East India Company establishes the Cape Colony Stopping point to Asia Dutch (Boers) enslave local Africans 1795 Britain seized colony

Zulu Rise to Power 1818 rule of Nguni people passes to Shaka Shaka builds new military and political organization (Zulu State) Absorb or destroy neighbors Zulu begin Mfecane Wars in 1840s