University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest Faculty of Horticulture International Student Symposium “Hortus Academicus” March 29, 2019, Bucharest, Romania Tentatives regarding local mulberry (Morus alba) genotype selections for fruit production Author name: Carmen Floarea Coordinator Proffesor: Prof. Univ. Dr. Florin STĂNICĂ
Introduction Mulberries are seen as superfoods on the European market; Industry sources indicate that the market for organic mulberries is growing, especially for the dried fruit;
Introduction resveratrol M. alba L. (white mulberry) has a unique nutritional profile containing: proteins carbohydrates fats, fibers, minerals (Ca, P, Fe, K, Mn) some vitamins or their precursors resveratrol
Introduction Old traditions got newer look and recent findings supported its role against: atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, cancer, immunonutrition and neuroprotective functions; Antimicrobial potential against harmful microorganisms; Antioxidant potential of leaves, root bark and in some instances stem;
Introduction Generally, it is used as foliage to exclusively feed the silkworms (Bombyx mori L.);
Introduction The Agricultural School, located in Pantelimon’s estate in 1852, leased a land on which the management organised a mulberry nursery (50 ha); The first revenues of the School were obtained from selling the products obtained in this nursery – 2723 lei in 1863 year;
Introduction At present, there is only one orchard of mulberry trees in Romania (1 ha), the potential of development for such a business being very high; The production of a single mulberry tree in one year can reach 20 kg of fruits, depending of the age of the tree; The dehydrated fruits can be sold with 150 lei/kg;
Introduction On June 9, 2015, a legislative proposal entered into force, completing the national fruit register with this species, making it possible to access European funds for mulberry orchards.
Main objective Facing the growing demand for mulberry fruits on the market and the need to develop new varieties and hybrids to meet the environmental conditions in Romania, this research paper aims to select valuableselites among the specimens of local common varieties of Morus alba L. for their further homologation.
Works consulted: Butt M. S., Nazir A., Sultan M. T., Schroe¨n Karin, 2008 - Morus alba L. nature’s functional tonic, Trends in Food Science & Technology, Vol. 19, 505-512; Gundogdu M., Muradoglu F., Gazioglu Sensoyb R.I., Yilmaz H., 2011 - Determination of fruit chemical properties of Morus nigra L., Morus alba L. and Morus rubra L. by HPLC, Scientia Horticulturae, Vol. 132, 37-41; Katsube Takuya, Tsurunaga Yoko, Sugiyama Mari, Furuno Toshimichi, Yamasaki Yukikazu, 2009 - Effect of air-drying temperature on antioxidant capacity and stability of polyphenolic compounds in mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves, Food Chemistry, Vol. 113, 964-969; Stănică F., Dumitrașcu Monica, Davidescu Velicica, Madjar Roxana, Peticilă A., 2002 - Înmulțirea plantelor horticole lemnoase, Editura Ceres, București.
Materials and Methods Mother plants selection has been made in several locations: The Center for Production and Research for Sericiculture Bucharest (Băneasa); Bucharest and its surroundings; Deveselu village, Olt county;
Materials and Methods The research was conducted in two directions: One of these directions was focused on fruit analysis from the mother plants – in order to determin if they present interest for future research; The second direction was centered on different methods of multiplication for mulberry – mainly grafting
Altoirea in verde
Materials and Methods (1) The fruits were visually analyzed (colour and dimension) and tasted; Measured the average weight, average weight and average diamerer;
Materials and Methods (2) In the first year of research (2018), we grafted 9 mulberry trees using the crown graft method;
Materials and Methods (2) In 2019 we esteblished a new selection field with 50 roothstocks planted for further grafting (the grafts were harvested in early spring); The field has an area of 1560 square meters – to be completed with other valuable tree selections in the future.
Results and discussions (1) By visually comparing to others, we selected 9 individuals for further multiplication Physical measurements were made on the fruits:
Results and discussions (1) Physical measurements were made on the fruits:
Results and discussions (2) Physical measurements were made also on the grafts:
Results and discussions (2)
Conclusions and recommendations 9 valuable individuals were selected for further multiplication; Grafting percentage was 89%;
Conclusions and recommendations The research will continue with further: Measurements and chemical determinations on mulberry fruits and leaves; Grafting the roothstocks in the selection field and observing their evolution; THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!