Exercise 5 – Using the base microplanning maps at the RHC-level for session planning and supervision Nay Myo Thu - UNICEF
Summary The RHC and SRHC base microplanning maps created by S/R geospatial data managers (Exercise 4) have been produced to support RHC and SRHC personnel undertake the microplanning In this exercise we will make use of the base microplanning maps in order to: compile a microplanning session plan Review the microplanning session plan
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Summary The following material has been prepared for this exercise the printed base microplanning map for the focus RHC (Koke Ko Khwa) the printed base microplanning map for the focus RHC the printed blank microplanning forms “session plan” and “Transportation cost for Outreach and Mobile” Tables of distances and travel times between each EPI community in the focus RHC All Data placed in the TRAINING_MATERIAL\EXERCISES\EXERCISE_5 \Data folder on your USB key Copy the folder to your computer hard disk
Exercise 5 – Part I Compare the sketch maps included in the microplanning with the printed base microplanning map we produced in Exercise 4 What are the most noticeable differences between the two?
Exercise 5 – Part II Session planning We are at the stage of session planning Target population data and immunization data for the current year have been compiled and can be found in the microplanning pdf forms The table containing the distances and travel times between each EPI community in the focus RHC is also available Fill in distances Decided Session type Use distance matrix and scale bar to calculate distances of outreach tour Flag potential issues with cathment areas
Flag potential issues with cathment areas Exercise 5 – Part II Session planning Using the information provided, compile a session plan for your focus SRHC Compile the “session plan” form, indicating session type and distance from health facility for each community Decide on a session outreach plan and mark it on the map Fill in “Transportation cost for Outreach and Mobile”, indicating: the total distance for session day eventual special assistance needs for EPI community with challenging geographic accessibility Fill in distances Decided Session type Use distance matrix and scale bar to calculate distances of outreach tour Flag potential issues with cathment areas
Exercise 5 – Part II Did you find the information contained in the base microplanning maps to be useful while preparing the session plan? What additional information would have helped you during this process? Note: forms have been edited form from the official version to include EPI community code
Exercise 5 – Part III Supervision of session plans Exchange the forms and maps you produced with your neighbouring group Assess the session plan compiled for the SRCH and flag eventual issues you have found to be reported to the personnel who compiled the session plan
Conclusions The base microplanning maps contain information on the geographic characteristics of the RHC areas The availability of this information can be beneficial to microplanning in several ways: Support midwives in session and session outreach planning Strengthen supporting supervision of microplans by RHC supervisor as well as at township and State/Region level Support more accurate and accountable costing for travel allowance and expansion to outreach services