Your hands have fashioned me; make me to understand you’ve given me your word to learn your wise command. Then they that fear you will be glad when they shall see my hope upheld. [Sing to the Lord 119:73-80]
in faithfulness afflicted. According to your word, 2. You rightly judged me, Lord, in faithfulness afflicted. According to your word, in mercy comfort me. That I may live, your mercy give, for I with joy your law receive.
who baselessly defame me. May those who fear and know 3. Oh, shame the arrogant who baselessly defame me. May those who fear and know your statutes turn to me. In your decree, keep me from blame that I may not be put to shame. Sing to the Lord 119:73-80 Projected with permission Text: John Rogers, 2004, © Sing to the Lord, 2008 Tune: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1874