or, “Check Your Balls with SAS Arrays” A “LOTTO” SAS for you! or, “Check Your Balls with SAS Arrays” By Keith McWhorter Georgia Technology Authority January 30, 2007
A Mega-Group Effort When Mega-Millions’ Jackpot > $50Mil People in the office put in $1 - $5 each Usually get 75 to 100 tickets Could take a while to check them all!
Ways to Win 5 numbers plus Mega Ball Match only Mega Ball wins small amount Match 1 or more of the first 5 + Mega If Mega doesn’t match – must have at least 3 of the 5 others.
Let SAS Check ‘em! Input file: 01/09/2007 07 11 26 38 54 13 Draw Date & winning #s 01 02 31 45 55 35 01 03 30 42 46 24 07 11 26 36 50 34 01 20 36 44 53 31 02 04 24 35 53 23 02 08 11 20 55 19 02 10 38 43 46 18 02 11 19 22 34 20 02 14 28 29 44 28 03 08 17 19 48 18 …
The Code DATA results(KEEP=ldate w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6) ournums(KEEP=d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 flg1 flg2 flg3 flg4 flg5 flg6); INFILE 'SGSS.KEITH.GA010907'; ARRAY WIN[6] 2 WIN1-WIN6; *WINNING NUMBERS ; ARRAY FLG[6] $ 2 FLG1-FLG6; * Match Flags = Y or N ; RETAIN WIN1-WIN6; * KEEP WINNING NUMS IN MEMORY ;
First Time Through… IF _N_=1 THEN DO; INPUT ldate MMDDYY10. W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 ; WIN[1] = W1; WIN[2] = W2; WIN[3] = W3; WIN[4] = W4; WIN[5] = W5; WIN[6] = W6; OUTPUT results; END;
Read a set of our numbers & check ELSE DO; INPUT D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6; ARRAY OUR[6] 2 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6; * OUR NUMBERS; FLG[6]='N'; IF OUR[6] = WIN[6] THEN FLG[6]='Y'; *Mega?; DO I = 1 TO 5; *Loop through other 5; IF OUR[I]=WIN[1] OR OUR[I]=WIN[2] OR OUR[I]=WIN[3] OR OUR[I]=WIN[4] OR OUR[I]=WIN[5] THEN FLG[I]='Y'; *Set flag if match; ELSE FLG[I]='N'; END; OUTPUT ournums; *Write it out!;
Add Var “x” with # matches DATA wincnt; SET ournums; x=0; IF FLG1 = 'Y' then x+1; IF FLG2 = 'Y' then x+1; IF FLG3 = 'Y' then x+1; IF FLG4 = 'Y' then x+1; IF FLG5 = 'Y' then x+1; run;
Determine Level of Win DATA winlvl; SET wincnt; IF FLG6 = 'Y' then do; * if megaball matches... ; SELECT; WHEN (X = 5) L=1; WHEN (X = 4) L=2; WHEN (X = 3) L=3; WHEN (X = 2) L=4; WHEN (X = 1) L=5; WHEN (X = 0) L=6; END; * end select ; END; * end if ;
Determine level of win… ELSE DO; * megaball does not match ; SELECT; WHEN (X = 5) L=7; WHEN (X = 4) L=8; WHEN (X = 3) L=9; OTHERWISE DELETE; END; * end select; END; * end else; run;
Format the Levels PROC FORMAT; VALUE lvl 1 = ' JACKPOT!!' 2 = ' 4 + MB' 3 = ' 3 + MB' 4 = ' 2 + MB' 5 = ' 1 + MB' 6 = ' 0 + MB' 7 = ' 5 of 5' 8 = ' 4 of 5' 9 = ' 3 of 5' ; RUN;
Email the Results! FILENAME MY_FILE EMAIL FROM=("Mega_Mil@gta.ga.gov") TO=("kmcwhort@gta.ga.gov" ) SUBJECT="Group A Results" TYPE="TEXT/HTML" ; RUN; ODS listing close; ODS HTML BODY=MY_FILE;
First the Winning Numbers PROC PRINT data=results noobs split='*'; by ldate; format ldate MMDDYY10.; title 'Results for #byval1'; title2 'Winning Numbers'; var w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6; label w1 = '* ' w2 = '* ' w3 = '* ' w4 = '* ' w5 = '* ' w6 = '* ' ldate = ' ' ; run;
Now Print Our Matches PROC PRINT data=winlvl noobs split='*'; title 'Our Winning Numbers'; footnote 'Total Winnings = $6!'; *Manual ; format L lvl.; var d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 L; label d1 = '* ' d2 = '* ' d3 = '* ' d4 = '* ' d5 = '* ' d6 = '* ' L = '# of*Matches' ; run; ods html close;
The Resulting Email
Thank you!