Fitness Check of environmental monitoring and reporting and INSPIRE implementation - Progress and planning- European Commission Directorate General for Environment Unit D.4 – Governance, Information & Reporting Unit F.1 – Resource Efficiency & Economic Analysis 1
Three areas of work Area 1: the timing Area 2: the process Area 3: the content Area 2: the process Area 1: the timing Lower frequency of reporting Better synchronisation Efficiency gains through automisation harmonisation centralisation Less data requested Ensure key performance Indicators Less text more automised data
Some selected results
Some selected results (2)
Progress since Spring 2016 Commission Roadmap published: Commission Staff Woking Document published: Results of the public consultation available: Stakeholder Workshops:
Next steps Stakeholder consultation (ongoing) Fitness Check evaluation (early 2017) Action Plan on reporting (2017) 4th (and last) Stakeholder Workshop on 8 December in Brussels Results of inventory and supporting study available online Presentation of Fitness Check evaluation and Action Plan in 2017
Issue of relevance for your WG Water and nature mentioned in consultations both as good examples but also areas for improvement Link between nature, water and marine reporting Possible review of approach against a cross-cutting check list (e.g. indicators, less textual information, …) Alignment of timetables under discussion Promoting the active dissemination of implementation and compliance data at national level Making the process more effective and efficient (also by using INSPIRE (see next slides)
INSPIRE evaluation Commission Report, Staff Working Document and Summary Evaluation criteria of efficiency, effectiveness, coherence, relevance and EU added value Recommendations leading to follow up actions (including revision of the INSPIRE Maintainance and Implementation Work Programme)
REFIT Conclusions Some frontrunners have made good progress and get benefits from their investments Most Member States have to catch up and increase their efforts Different pace and diversity of approaches counter-productive to INSPIRE objective of interoperability We can do better on efficiency, effectiveness and coherence Member State INSPIRE compliance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Recommendations / actions Close existing implementation gaps! (Bilateral meetings with 20 MS took place and most have prepared action plan in the meantime) Give priority to environmental spatial dataset Improve coordination with national eGovernment (and other relevant) processes
Recommendations / actions Evaluation shortcomings of national data policies Exploring EU funding opportunities Fitness-for-purpose review of existing INSPIRE Implementing Rules and technical guidelines (Simplification of Requirements) Assistance to Member States in the implementation (Simplification of Use)
Fitness-for-purpose review A questionnaire will be launched soon. Watch out on the INSPIRE webpage! We want your views!
Can be found in reporting* guidance! Priority: reporting Priority setting from now to 2020 Can be found in reporting* guidance! Examples Location of installations or monitoring stations, protected areas, water bodies, aggregated data etc. Permits, emissions, monitoring results, etc. Land-use, soils, river flow, modelling etc. Road networks, cadaster Reporting data sets Data sets needed to produce reported data Data sets needed for implementation (directly or indirectly) Basic INSPIRE data sets 1 2 3 4 * Reporting Obligations Database EEA: see for UWWT
Specific actions relevant for your WG DG ENV/EEA concept paper on the future use of INSPIRE in eReporting Working on the list of INSPIRE priority datasets (also includes datasets from your reporting obligations) We need to work together – please get in touch with your national INSPIRE contact point
Thank you for your attention Questions? Contacts: Steve White (Unit ENV. F1) Joachim D'Eugenio (Unit ENV D.4) joachim.d' Thank you for your attention More information: