Scientific Computing Home Assignment #3 Dr. Guy Tel-Zur
3D Self Avoidance Walk Goal: Simulate a 3D Self Avoidance Random Walk (SAW), i.e. Non-Intersecting path. Find the relation between <r2> and t, i.e RMS distance vs. time.
Settings Do 3000 walks (time steps) Use a 3-dimensional 500X500X500 grid Repeat the exercise 10 times and average the results
Computational Tools and Methods Write your code in C Install personal condor on your laptop Execute the 10 repetitions using Condor Pay attention to the random number generator’s seed
Make a Plot Make a plot of <r2> vs. t Do a fit and find ν for the expression: <r2> ~ A tν
Bonus Save the problem domain (grid) in Silo format Make a movie of the SAW growth using VisIt by taking snap shots of the grid at several time steps, e.g. every 150 times steps.
More instructions Submit: Send To be submitted to: Source code Condor submit file Plots VisIt movie (if file is not too big) Documentation Send To be submitted to: Due: End of course