Parody and Satire
Parody A parody is a composition that imitates the style of another composition, normally for comic effect and often by applying that style to an outlandish or inappropriate subject. Examples: -Songs by “Weird Al” Yankovic parody songs by popular artists. -Pride and Prejudice and Zombies parodies Pride and Prejudice. -Austin Powers parodies James Bond movies -There have been countless parodies of the Star Wars franchise.
Parody What is the purpose of parody? -To imitate, critique, make fun of, or pay tribute to the original work.
Satire Satire is intended to do more than just entertain; it tries to improve humanity and its institutions. A satire is a literary work that tries to arouse the reader's disapproval of an object — a vice, an abuse, a faulty belief — by holding it up to ridicule Examples: -Political Cartoons -The Onion (A satirical online newspaper) -Saturday Night Live