Overview of Federal Programs Monitoring


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of Federal Programs Monitoring PDE Monitors - Presenters: Helen Gross, Ed.D Margaret Ptakowski, Ph.D.

Overview of Federal Programs Monitoring Letters to CEOs in January Name of assigned Lead Monitor DFP contact information LEA username and password for Fed Monitor Tips to help LEAs prepare for monitoring visit Monitors may contact LEAs after January to set up a site visit date Find a time that is mutually agreeable Monitors review current program year (2018-19) information

LEA Responsibilities Complete and submit online self-assessment through Fed Monitor at least 2 weeks prior to site visit Prepare documentation for monitor review Must provide documentation for each evidence box checked when completing Fedmonitor Might potentially be found out of compliance

Log into the Review Instrument in FedMonitor https://www.federalmonitor.com/pa ** Enter Username and Password Presenter – Please go to the FedMonitor website Logging into the Review Instrument in FedMonitor: Enter your Username and Password to log in.

LEA Responsibilities Contact parents of Title I students for parent interviews Ask at least 3-5 parents to participate If there are only 1-2 that is not ideal but okay No more than 1 employed at the LEA Coordinate the schedule with the monitor

After the site visit Monitor completes instrument in Fed Monitor, ensuring all boxes are correctly checked and comments are made where necessary Monitor locks document when completed LEAs may go back into instrument to review, but cannot make changes If LEA disagrees with a finding, contact Regional Coordinator Do not contact monitor Monitors are instructed not to provide feedback

After the site visit Monitor reports are reviewed by DFP If no citations LEA receives an In Compliance letter from DFP stating all programs are in compliance with federal laws and regulations If LEA is out of compliance: LEA receives letter with Corrective Action Plan and due date When corrective actions have been completed, LEA receives an In Compliance letter

Keys to a successful site visit Work with the Lead Monitor to prepare a visit schedule Try to assign buildings within the same geographic area to monitors Make sure all online documentation is complete Consolidated Application and Funding Adjustment/Amendment Funding Adjustment does not have to be completed at time of monitoring Online Monitoring Instrument Gather and organize all documentation

Maintaining documentation is a “constant” – Stay on top of this – Communicate!!!!!!! Suggestions: Program Evaluation Process (Inclusive) List needs Identify strategies Identify funds Review data Evaluate impact LEA/School(s) Compliance Worksheet (sample) School opening checklist Mid-Year Checklist End of Year Checklist

Tips from the Monitors Have copies of your completed monitoring instrument available to all parties who will participate in monitoring visit Review instrument with staff that will be participating Have documentation & evidence of compliance aligned to the order of the monitoring instrument Helps to have an “Agenda” Don’t be “stressed out”….be “prepared”

LEA Level Appropriately State Certified Equity Plan Transportation Plan LEA Parent and Family Engagement Schoolwide Programs Nonpublic schools General Fiscal Requirements/Uniform Grants Guidance (UGG) Title IV Ed Flex REAP

Appropriately State Certified Only looking for teachers and paraprofessionals working in a Title I program In a Targeted Program – only teachers and paraprofessionals working in the Title I program In a Schoolwide Program – all teachers and paraprofessionals Appropriate documentation Sampling of certificates from Title I staff

Equity Plan Foster Care Required for ALL LEAs that have Title I buildings No exemptions Evidence Equity Plan Foster Care LEAs must have implemented transportation procedures for Foster Care Youth Developed with Children and Youth Put together in a plan Must be signed

LEA Parent and Family Engagement Policy Must be updated with ESSA changes For evidence must have LEA Parent and Family Engagement Policy, Agendas and sign in sheets from parent meetings, AND Evidence it was distributed Parent and family input on how the funds are spent Agendas and sign in sheets from meetings Annual evaluation Surveys and collated results Agendas and sign in sheets

Schoolwide Programs If LEA is consolidating funds – must have an approval letter from PDE Very rarely occurs

General Fiscal Requirements/Uniform Guidance (UGG) 5 UGG policies/procedures Cash Management procedure Travel Reimbursement policy Allowability of Costs procedure Conflict of Interest policy Procurement procedures

General Fiscal Requirements/Uniform Grants Guidance (UGG) Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Letter from PDE stating requirement met Transferability Can transfer all of Title II and Title IV Can transfer funds into Title I and Title III, but not out of those programs Can transfer between Title II and Title IV Transferability page in eGrants completed

Performance Goal Report Performance Goal Reporting Verification – looking for completion of the report in eGrants and data that supports if they met or did not meet goal Title I, II, III, and IV where applicable Completed in 2017-18 application Must go into each individual project Documentation to show how they met, or did not meet their goals Data

Supplement, not Supplant Supplement/Supplant – only applies to Title I Documentation of LEA methodology for allocating state and local funds to buildings LEAs must be prepared to explain the methodology used to allocate State and local funds equitably to schools regardless of Title I status.

Title IIA Data to determine how funds should be spent Stakeholder input Parent, Community Member and School staff input Agendas and sign in sheets Performance Goal Output Report Submitted in eGrants Data documentation

Title IVA – Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant Stakeholder input Agendas and sign in sheets Needs assessment if LEA received more than $30,000 Remaining evidence found in eGrants

School Level Principal and Parent interviews Paraprofessional qualifications Right to Know letters Transition Plan School Parent and Family Engagement policies School-Parent Compacts Parent meetings Targeted Assistance/Schoolwide Requirements Time documentation Building level budgets

Appropriately State Certified (ASC) Four week letter – Non ASC for four weeks or more consecutive weeks Must be sent in a timely manner after four weeks Principal must sign if letter is required, must identify classroom/teacher (name not required) Right to know letter – dated and distributed If not mailed out, but use multiple methods to distribute

Transition Plan Plan must include how transitioning students in and out of the Title I school Must have a student and a parent piece

School Parent and Family Engagement Policy For evidence must have School Parent and Family Engagement Policy, Agenda and sign in sheets from parent meetings, AND Evidence it was distributed. Must be updated with ESSA changes

School Parent and Family Engagement School – Parent Compact For evidence must have School-Parent Compact, Agenda and sign in sheets from parent meetings, AND Evidence it was distributed.

Schoolwide Programs School Level Plan – Reward and Undesignated Schools School Improvement Plan – Focus and Priority Schools Must have agendas and sign in sheets Must include one parent and one community member At secondary level, must include one student If do not have an updated plan, Schools will then be monitored on TA components.

Targeted Assistance Selection criteria Demonstrates how they determine which students will be served Must have multiple methods List of programs, activities and courses that support a well-rounded education Any resource that helps Title I children meet challenging State academic standards

Targeted Assistance Instructional strategies Professional Development May include expanded learning time, before and after school, summer programs, and programs to address behavior problems Professional Development List of professional development activities and agendas and sign in sheets

FISCAL Time Documentation Building level budget Required for all federally funded staff Semi annual certifications Split funded certification/time logs Building level budget Demonstrating how Title I funds are spent

If you are being monitored this year…. Set up site visit date Submit Funding Adjustment/Amendment (if possible) Prepare for spring Title I Parent Meeting (if applicable) Work with business office to prepare statements of Title I, II, III, and IV allocations and expenditures Prepare schedule for monitoring visit Prepare documentation for monitor Line up parents for interviews on day of visit

If you are being monitored this year…. Collect: Equity Plan – required for all LEAs Written Transportation Plans for students in Foster Care Quarterly reports for all federal programs Two latest single audit reports UGG policies and procedures: allowability of cost, conflict of interest, travel reimbursement, cash management, procurement

If you are being monitored this year… Collect: Parent and Family Engagement Policy Agendas and sign in sheets Annual parent survey and collated results Waiver approval letters Program approval letters Must print out from eGrants – reporting tab Equipment inventory (over $5,000) and Computing Devices and Special Purpose Equipment ($300 - $4,999) Comparability Assurances Maintenance of Effort Letter

If you are being monitored this year… Collect: Right to know letters Parents can request the qualifications of teachers and paras Four week letter Transition Plan(s) School/Parent Compact Agenda and sign-in sheets Evidence of parent meetings Agendas and sign in sheets

If you are being monitored this year… Collect: Evidence used parents to train staff on how to work with parents SPAC skits and agenda and sign in sheet from staff meeting OR Agenda and sign in sheets from parent meetings/surveys AND agenda and sign in sheet from staff meeting School Level/Improvement Plan, if Schoolwide Semi-annual certifications/PARs Building Level budgets

If you are NOT being monitored this year…….. Follow the same format of planning and collecting data – Federal Programs Record keeping is critical Keep the lines of communication open/share information – not sure??? ask Network, attend PDE trainings/conferences Stay current

Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) If your LEA receives Rural and Low Income Schools (RLIS) funding: Prepare statement of allocations and expenditures Include copies of invoices and purchase orders

Desk Audit Documentation will be uploaded to Fedmonitor Not all requirements need documents uploaded Only upload documentation where there is a green

Q&A Thank you!!!!!! Helen & Margaret A sincere thank you Erin Derr, PDE/DFP for providing this PowerPoint Dr. Helen Gross Pennsylvania Association of Federal Programs Coordinators (PAFPC) State Charter School Regional Representative Charter High School for Architecture & Design hgross@chadstaff.org or harieg@msn.com 215-630-7212