Pre-AP English II November 10, 2017 Consider the following from William F. Buckley, Jr's, "Like It or Not, Pat Buchanan's Political Rhetoric Has True Grit": We have been making policy on the basis of myths, the first of them that trade with China will dulcify Peking policy. That won’t work; there was plenty of trade between North and South when our Civil War came on. 1. What does dulcify mean? What attitude toward the readers does his diction convey? 2. What attitude does Buckley communicate by writing our Civil War instead of the Civil War? Make a 2-column chart on your paper. In the left column, substitute a synonym for the word tidy in the sentence below. You may use a thesaurus to find uncommon words. Your new word should change the connotative meaning of the sentence. In the right column, describe the effect your new word has on the sentence. She gazed at the tidy room.
Objectives Today we will continue working on style analysis. This time, we will be focused on non-fiction (in this case, journalistic) writing. Although we’ve primarily focused on fiction up to this point, diction, syntax, imagery, tone, etc. are just as important in non-fiction works. The articles today will also serve as pre-reading for The Great Gatsby.
Homework Finish the non-fiction style assignment (#1 only) if you have not already. It will be due on Monday. Make a final decision about which short story you will use for your style analysis essay. The prompt calls for you to analyze prose, so in this case, a poem should not be chosen.
On Monday… Mrs. Baker and I will be in meetings all day at the MS, so you will have a substitute. I will have work for you to be doing on Monday that will not require my being here – most likely you will be working on EOC prep activities….exciting, I know! See you Tuesday!!