women earn 80% of what men make for performing the same job. TRUE OR FALSE? women earn 80% of what men make for performing the same job.
TRUE OR FALSE? Black and latino men are 10% more likely to be ticketed by police than white men
Less than 20% of all marriages are between interracial couples. TRUE OR FALSE? Less than 20% of all marriages are between interracial couples.
TRUE OR FALSE? In college, Male and Female athletes receive equal scholarship funding due to title ix.
Homosexual men EARN 5% less than heterosexual men for the same job. TRUE OR FALSE? Homosexual men EARN 5% less than heterosexual men for the same job.
TRUE OR FALSE? It is LEGAL to deny employment to someone based on their physical appearance (HAIR COLOR, HEIGHT, TATTOOS, ETC.)
TRUE OR FALSE? Obese workers receive an average of $1,000 dollars less a year than non-obese workers
Women account for 25% of all active duty military members. TRUE OR FALSE? Women account for 25% of all active duty military members.
TRUE OR FALSE? There are no federal laws that prohibit weight discrimination in the workplace.
Only 15% of all fortune 500 companies are headed by a woman. TRUE OR FALSE? Only 15% of all fortune 500 companies are headed by a woman.
WORKS CITED Auten, John Schneider and David. “Prudential LGBT Survey Reveals Sexual Orientation Pay Gap.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 30 Nov. 2017, EDITORS, FORTUNE. “These Are the Women CEOs Leading Fortune 500 Companies.” Fortune, June 2017, Martin, Areva. “Weight Discrimination Is Legal in 49 States.” Time, Time, 16 Aug. 2017, Parker, Kim, et al. “6 Facts about the U.S. Military's Changing Demographics.” Pew Research Center, Pew Research Center, 13 Apr. 2017, Scipioni, Jade. “Employers Pay Overweight Workers Less, New Study Reveals.” Fox Business, Fox Business, 5 Nov. 2018, “The Gender Equality Debate; Women in Sport.” Athlete Assessments, 30 July 2018,
Works Cited Cont’d P, Kim. “Interracial Marriage Statistics.” CreditDonkey, 4 Jan. 2018, Winton, Richard. “Black and Latino Drivers Are Searched Based on Less Evidence and Are More Likely to Be Arrested, Stanford Researchers Find.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 19 June 2017, Gal, Sonam Sheth Shayanne. “6 Charts Show How Much More Men Make than Women.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 27 Aug. 2018,
Informational Writing Informational writing is a type of nonfiction writing that conveys information about something, which means it is factual. Goal: to inform others about social inequalities to enact change in our society.