Pairwise analysis of detected virus taxonomy prior to and following intervention. Pairwise analysis of detected virus taxonomy prior to and following intervention. (A to C) PCoA of virus species for each group, comparing virus profiles before and after the intervention period (time point 1 [TP1] [week 0] and time point 2 [TP2] [week 8], respectively). (A) The exercise-only group had virus diversity that was not significantly altered by intervention. (B and C) Diversity of viruses was significantly affected during the intervention period for both groups receiving protein supplementation (P < 0.001). The exercise plus protein supplementation group (B) and the protein-only group (C) demonstrated reduced variability of diversity following intervention. Results of pairwise analysis of additional taxonomic and metabolic pathway profiles are presented in Fig. S3. Statistical assessment of PCoA dissimilarity matrices was performed with the Adonis2 PERMANOVA test. (A to C) Density plots were derived from kernel density estimates and scaled to a maximum estimated value of 1 and display concentrations of plotted data along the corresponding plot axis. Owen Cronin et al. mSystems 2018; doi:10.1128/mSystems.00044-18