In the name of god
Case reports k.Goudarzipour Pediatric congenital hematologic disorders research center Shahid beheshti university of medical science .Tehran.Iran
Case 1 The neonate is a 2-day-old with chief complaint of generalize edema. His mother has had 2 abortions. Blood group of mother and her child: O positive . Negative Hx of transfusion in pregnancy,but his mother hasn’t had suitable care in pregnancy.
WBC;13,000.p:70,L:26,Eo:4 RBC:3 Hb:9 HCT:27 MCV:105 MCH:32 MCHC:34 PLT:380,000 RDW:14 MPV:10
What is your DDX?
What additional labs Do you recommend ?
Other lab data in this patient: Retic:18% LDH:2300 Bil:14, Indirect:12 Coombs test:Negative What additional data do we need?
G6PD:NL Pyruvate kinase: decrease
ImportanCe of pbs Star cell: pyruvate kinase deficiency
Trisomy 13
Case 2 The patient is a 2.5-month-old with chief complaint of pallor. Lab data is shown as below: WBC:5600, P:30, L:70 RBC:2.4 Hb:6.9 MCV:84 MCH:29 MCHC:31 PLT:170,000 RDW:17 MPV:9
What additional labs do you recommend and what are DDX?
Retic: 0.3% PBS: Anisocytosis Hb A: 42.3% F:54% A2:3.7%
BM aspiration:Ring sideroblast with moderate decrease in erythroid series ADA: Increased Goudarzipour formula for Hb F: 70-3(Age based on week-2):46 His father has minor thalassemia with only increased A2
Hand abnormality (three phalanges thumb)
Diamond blakfan Anemia + minor thalassemia
Case 3 The patient is a 3-month-old term boy with cc of pallor. WBC:7300 RBC:2.4 Hb:6.6 HCT:21 MCV:53 MCH:23 MCHC:24.5 PLT:175,000 RDW:19
Retic:12%, corrected Retic: 7% Electrophoresis & HPLC : Normal Supravital staining: Golf ball negative.
Microcytic RBCs Polychromasia Bizarrely shaped cells with fragmentation, poikilocytes, pyknocytes, and microspherocytes
Parents’ CBC: microcytosis in his father with normal electrophoresis
Increased osmotic fragility Decreased acid glycerol lysis time Thermal sensitivity testing shows fragmentation of the RBC at temperatures as low as 45°C. Evaluate the ratio of spectrin/band 3 to determine the spectrin level so that this entity can be differentiated from homozygous hemolytic elliptocytosis.
Case 4 The patient is a 7-month-old with cc of pallor and anorexia.CBC is shown below: WBC:6500, P:25, L:75 RBC:2.8 Hb:8.8 HCT:27 MCV:88 MCH:30 MCHC:33 PLT:453000
Retic:%0.8 PBS:NL ESR:30 CRP:NL U/A & U/C:NL
eADA: NL Hb electrophoresis: NL BMA:moderate decrease in erythroid series.
Under observed after 2 months; Hb was increased to 11.
DX Transient Erythroblastopenia of Childhood
Case 5 A male neonate, BW: 2400 g, was born by normal spontaneous delivery to a 28-year-old ,gravida II para I. At presentation there was noticeable pallor and mild generalized edema. A CBC revealed : Hb:6.6 g/dL, hematocrit 22.1%, WBC: 24000, Neutrophils 54%, l:46%, plt:280,000
Peripheral smear showed marked anisocytosis with RBCs being predominantly macrocytic and presence of polychromasia and nucleated RBCs (28 NRBC/100 WBC), few fragmented and dysmorphic RBCs were also noticed. Retic:12% Blood Group :Mother and infant: 0+ Coombs test : neg
Kleihauer-Betke stain showed 13 Kleihauer-Betke stain showed 13.34% fetal cells, which represented 620 ml of fetal blood loss in the maternal circulation on the basis of 55 kg of mother’s weight.
Risk factors
DX Of fetomaternal hemorrhage Kleihauer-Betke test (KBT) Alpha feto protein flowcytometry
Thank you