Junior Class of 2020!
Senior Year English Capstone Project Researching career Resume and Personal Statement Letters of Req’ from teachers, admin, counselors, etc. College Application Day F.A.F.S.A Application Day (Free Application for Student Aid)
What should you do now? Study for ACT University bound student Look up admission requirements for the schools you are interested in attending (goal setting) **EVERY SCHOOL HAS DIFFERENT REQUIREMENTS & ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP QUALIFICATIONS Calculate Core GPA (especially for ASU, NAU, UofA) Min. Requirements ASU: 1 of the following: to 25%, 3.00 GPA, ACT 22 or SAT 1120* Pick senior classes carefully to improve ability to be awarded academic scholarships Scholarship Research- Let’s look at the numbers….
Example: ASU living at home Avg. Yearly Total Living at Home: $14,448 ASU 2018-19 school year Tuition & Fees: $10,822/ year Books and Supplies: $1,300 (varies)/ year Transportation: $1,376 (varies)/ year Annual parking passes vary from $210- $780/ year Meals: $950-varies/ year $950= 3 meals per week
Example: ASU living on Campus Avg Example: ASU living on Campus Avg. Yearly total living on campus: $28,154 To live on campus (OPTIONAL) **DO NOT GO INTO DEBT TO LIVE ON CAMPUS IF YOU CAN LIVE AT HOME!!! Tuition & Fees: $10,822/ year Books and Supplies: $1,300 (varies)/ year Housing: $6,150- $10,720/ year --- Avg.: $8,500/ year $850/ month for 10 months Transportation (no car) $500 Meals: $2,160- $5,370 (unlimited)/ year – Avg.: $5,050/ year $505/ month for 10 months Personal: $1,982/ year $198/ month for 10 months
Scholarship Breakdown How many scholarships are available? Over 3.5 million scholarship, which equates to BILLONS of $$$$ available Federal Money- Apply for FAFSA up to $6,000 (this is based on family information) Academic Scholarships from the Institution- based on GPA and/or ACT or SAT score: $2,000-$10,000 Business/ Foundations/ Non-Profits etc. (often silly/ easy but attract many applicants) READ THE QUALIFICATIONS! Some are more academic focused or need based) Did you know? Joining either active or reserve military branch will pay for the cost of a 4 year University?
Where to find scholarships: Lets take a tour of the Career Center website: https://www.husd.org/Page/7972
Next Steps: Fill out survey for Ms. Escoto to better learn about your goals & needs Visit the website (Higley High School- Counseling- Career Center) Make an appt. with Ms. Escoto email: Kellen.Escoto@husd.org Scholarship essay help Parent meetings Career path discussions