Starter 8/23/18 Pick up a graffiti alphabet paper. Pick up your sketchbooks from last time. Make sure you have your first name, last name, class period and book 1 listed on your first sketchbook. If you did not finish your sketchbook from last time get right to work on your sketchbook. If you were not here last time please see the teacher during work time to get you set up.
Graffiti Art Drawing 1
Agenda Review of last time What is graffiti art Legal repercussions of illegal graffiti Graffiti letters as a group. Exit ticket is your letters completed and one symbol.
Last time We each made 2 sketchbooks that we will use in this class for term one and term 2. We filled out a survey about ourselves so I can get to know you better. You all took home a disclosure statement that you were to read with your family and sign. That disclosure is due now.
If it’s NOT yours DON’T touch it. Some of the specific penalties for vandalism for minors can include the following: Repairing the damaged property Paying for someone else to repair the damaged property Fines (often of $500 or more) Expulsion from school Counseling Detention in a Juvenile Facility Community service Up to 3 years of probation In some cases, even time in jail In Utah the average vandalism fine is $1000, 6 months in jail, 2 years probation and community service. (
How to transform a letter Draw it as a block letter first. Than add to you letters Stretch them and warp them so they look unique. Make them look 3D
Studio Time Get into a groups of up to 5 people. Break up the alphabet so you each are doing an equal number of letters. You will block the letter, add to the letter, stretch the letter and make it 3D. Everyone will also do 2 symbols that represent them.
Exit ticket Your completed letters for your group is the exit ticket for your group. If your group didn’t finish the alphabet than you are the last to leave.