Why standards matter
Challenges in health and care In 2016/17, the NHS in Scotland performed 1.5 million hospital procedures and conducted an estimated 17 million GP consultations- NHS in Scotland audit report Approximately two million people in Scotland are living with at least one long-term condition- RPS Scotland People want improved access to care, they want convenience, personalised services, the ability to self-manage and they want trust in the system as to how their data is used There is a lack of interoperability and integration across different sectors and systems
Who we are PRSB is a non-profit body working to support joined up health and care services across the whole of the UK, by developing standards for shared digital records. OUR VISION: To optimise the health and wellbeing of UK citizens through the widespread adoption of high quality, standardised records. OUR MISSION: To become the authoritative voice for the development and widespread use of standards that ensure all digital health and social care records are of the highest quality.
We are unique We work with the public, professionals, CCIOs, CLGs and member organisations who represent more than 750,000 frontline clinicians and care professionals as well as patients and the public. Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Scottish government Royal College of Nursing Royal College of General Practitioners Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Royal College of Pathologists Royal College of Physicians (London) Royal College of Psychiatrists Royal College of Surgeons of England Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists Royal College of Emergency Medicine Royal College of Anaesthetists Royal College of Midwives Royal College of Radiologists Royal College of Occupational Therapists Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Royal Society of Medicine National Voices British Computer Society British Psychological Society Royal Pharmaceutical Society Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Association of Directors of Children’s Services Care Provider Alliance Allied Health Professions Federation Public Health England Resuscitation Council (UK) Institute of Health Records and Information Management INTEROPen HL7 Tech UK The Queen’s Nursing Institute
Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy Digital technology is increasingly a part of our everyday lives, and has the power to transform the way in which we operate health and care services. Scotland's Digital Health and Care Strategy sets out how the country will work collaboratively to maximise the potential of technology to reshape and improve services, support person-centred care, and improve outcomes. “We will begin work now to deliver a Scottish health and care ‘national digital platform’ through which relevant real- time data and information from health and care records, and the tools and services they use, is available to those who need it, when they need, wherever they are, in a secure and safe way”- Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy
Where do we come in? Scotland’s overall digital strategy provides the lead for key innovations including: supporting digital transformation by delivering public services that meet the needs of the public effective use of data developing standards and assurances improving and extending our broadband and mobile networks increasing digital participation making sure Scotland is a world leader in cyber resilience.
What we’re working on e-Discharge summary PUBLISHED e-Discharge summary Emergency care discharge summary Mental health inpatient discharge Outpatient letters Ambulance handover process Crisis care (Healthy London) Digital care and support plan Healthy child record IN THE PIPELINE Community pharmacy Maternity record standard Urgent integrated care Clinical referral letters ReSPECT Pathology
Digitising ReSPECT forms The PRSB is working with NHS Scotland and the Resus Council to create a digital specification for the ReSPECT form, to give people more say in their care decisions. Once complete, the PRSB will invite professionals to review and comment through an online survey. The ReSPECT digital specification will be endorsed by the PRSB and available to any providers.
Standards in action Our latest standard to be released is the digital care and support plan, which will enable information sharing between different organisations. This video, featuring Matthew Prosser and his family, shows the difference that sharing personalised information about care can make to people’s lives.