Community Relationships Team Time Worksheet Use this worksheet to help plan your next steps. Please write legibly; CCI will be collecting this and emailing your team a scanned copy to you. ORGANIZATION NAME: _________________________________ TWO CORE ELEMENTS Circle which two elements you’d like to prioritize your efforts through the end of Q1 2019. Oe Office Environment Cr Community Relationships Fe Family Engagement As Assess Health Ad Address Health Co Coordinate ELEMENT #1: _________________________________________ Ideas for Action What’s your first step? Completion Date Who Needs to be Involved? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Resilience Beginnings Collaborative | Convening 2 1
Who Needs to be Involved? ELEMENT #2: _________________________________________ Ideas for Action What’s your first step? Completion Date Who Needs to be Involved? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What support do you need from CCI or your organization to be successful in making progress on the two elements you’ve identified by the end of Q1 (March 2019)? 1. 2. 3. Resilience Beginnings Collaborative | Convening 2 2