Extract to draw something out of something else; to remove Definition: Synonym: Antonym: Insert Parts of Speech: verb to draw something out of something else; to remove Extricate The police tried to extract the scared skunk from under the house, since it was causing an unbearable stink for the homeowners.
Extract your DNA the old-fashioned way
Liberate Word used in a sentence Definition: to set free Sounds Like: Synonym: To release Antonym: Enslave Parts of Speech: Verb to set free One day I hope to sneak into the zoo and liberate all the animals from their cages. Word used in a sentence
Liberated Chimpanzees! Terry’s Profile
Migration Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym: Journey Antonym: Stay put Parts of Speech: Noun a movement or change of position, usually of many people or animals The buffalo migration was an awesome sight from the ridge above the valley.
The onset of Abigail’s allergies came the same time every year. Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym: Antonym: Conclusion Parts of Speech: Noun the beginning or start Introduction The onset of Abigail’s allergies came the same time every year. Word used in a sentence
Onset of a cold or the flu?
Primitive Word used in a sentence Definition: happening early in the history of humans and the world, or simple and not complicated Sounds Like: Synonym: Ancient, basic Antonym: Recent, modern Parts of Speech: adjective Word used in a sentence The anthropologists uncovered some primitive tools in their dig of the ancient settlement.
Primitive People