Shining As Lights In The World Philippians 2:12-16
Shining as lights in the world “Work out our own salvation” – Philippians 2:12 “With Fear and Trembling” – Philippians 2:12 “God to work in us…” – Philippians 2:13 “do all things without complaining & Disputing” – Philippians 2:14 “blameless and harmless” Philippians 2:15
Shining as lights in the world “holding fast the word of life, that I may rejoice in the day of Christ...” Philippians 2:16
Shining as lights in the world “Word of Life”- Teaches how to work out our own salvation Teaches us the “fear of the Lord” Is the “sword of the Spirit”, crucial! Teaches us the danger of disputing and complaining Helps us to be “blameless & harmless, children of God without fault”
Shining as lights in the world What is the proper way to do this? Ezra- Ezra 7:10 “prepared his heart…” “To seek the Law of the Lord” “To do it” To “teach statutes and ordinances in Israel” Through Diligent Study- Longing for the Word like a baby for milk – 1 Peter 2:2 Receiving the implanted word with Meekness – James 1:21; Psalm 119:11 Daily Bible Reading – Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1-6
Shining as lights in the world Diligent Study Necessary- 2 Timothy 2:14-16 – “be diligent” “rightly dividing the word of truth” 1 Timothy6:3-5 – “doctrine which accords with godliness” 1 Timothy 6:20,21 – “guard what was committed to your trust” Titus 2:7,8 – “sound speech” Titus 3:9-11 – “avoid foolish disputes”
Shining as lights in the world Consistent Application Danger of being Hearer & Not Doer – James 1:22-25 The World Already Has Enough “Pharisees” – Matthew 23:1-3 People who “say, and do not do” Failed to “practice what they preached” Nothing undermines cause of Christ more than those who claim to be Christians but do not live accordingly!
Shining as lights in the world Through Consistent Application, We Demonstrate the Value of the Will of God – Romans 12:1-2 By offering service which comes from the center of our rational being, We can “prove” (demonstrate) that the Will of God is “good & acceptable & perfect” We demonstrate in our lives that God’s way is the only way!
Shining as lights in the world Through Teaching it to Others Natural Follow up to Study & Application- Ezra 7:10 “prepared heart to seek the Law of the Lord, and to do it, and TO TEACH STATUTES & ORDINANCES…” Proclaiming “Word of Life” is Our Primary Function in This World- 1 Peter 2:9,10 Herein Lies the Greatest Hope of Shedding Light in this Dark World of Ours!
Shining As Lights In The World Philippians 2:12-16