The Road to Berlin World War II
Vergeltungswaffen: (revenge weapons) Hitler’s “Miracle Weapons” V-1 Flying Bomb V-2 Rocket
Liberation of France/Paris
Operation Market Garden
Battle of the Bulge (Fall 1944-Dec 1944) Beginning of the end for Hitler and Germany. Hitler’s last major offensive, trying to get to port of Antwerp through Ardennes Forest, this created a bulge in the Allied lines. General Patton’s Army pushed back Germany in the dead of winter of 1944.
The Bridge at Remagen (Crossing the Rhine)
Dresden: Feb 1945
Meeting at the Elbe
April 12, 1945 FDR entering his fourth term as president dies of a brain hemorrhage… Harry Truman becomes president
Soviets Enter Berlin
April 30, 1945 As Soviet tanks roll overhead ….
May 8, 1945 VE Day