Where is the ‘organisation’ you represent today, based?


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Presentation transcript:

Where is the ‘organisation’ you represent today, based? North Ayrshire South Ayrshire East Ayrshire Pan-Ayrshire Elsewhere locationpm.ppv

Are you employed by that ‘organisation’ or are you a volunteer? employedpm.ppv

In your capacity today are you primarily: Member of an organised community ‘group’ 3rd sector staff Public sector staff Leader staff (or LAG) Elected member Other capacitypm.ppv

Are you still youthful? Under 25 A bit older than that Retired youthfulpm.ppv

Thinking about Rural Ayrshire 21, have you been: Directly involved Indirectly involved Not involved so far (but here to learn and offer future support) involvement.ppv

Have you given up your own time as a volunteer or activist? Yes No owntime.ppv

Have you a clearer understanding of community perceptions, issues and opportunities as a result of RA21? Yes definitely Yes No Definitely not clearerunderstanding.ppv

Are you confident that the communities you are interested in will be able to lead the changes they seek? Yes definitely Yes No Definitely not leadchanges.ppv

Do you believe the various organisations and networks you know of will be able to support community action plans being put into practice? Yes definitely Yes No Definitely not abletosupport.ppv

Do you think community, social and economic development in rural Ayrshire would be more effective if there were to be a rural community forum or network? Yes definitely Yes No Definitely not rcforum.ppv

A possible network ..... Who should be members? Rural Community Associations / Councils Other rural interests: landowners, businesses, development agencies Local Authorities and other public bodies Elected members Anyone else

Rural Community Associations / Councils Yes definitely Yes No Definitely not rcfcommcounils.ppv

Other rural interests: landowners, businesses, development agencies Yes definitely Yes No Definitely not rcfruralint.ppv

Local Authorities and other public bodies Yes definitely Yes No Definitely not rcfla.ppv

Elected members Yes definitely Yes No Definitely not rcfem.ppv

Would you be expected to be involved actively? Yes definitely Maybe Definitely not activeinvolved.ppv

How much time would you be prepared to give to make it work each year? None A few hours A day or two Several days timetogive.ppv Leave the on the table

Discussions Local Steering Group Annual Event / Exchange Identify where support comes from What can Leader do until 2015 Forum good – but another structure? Quick wins Seed funding for rural ideas – leader underspend?

Discussions Communication is vital – feedback from groups should be regular Greater transparency from Community Benefit Clauses and other sources of funding All groups contribute to local newspapers regular Local Authorities to strip out beauracracy Local procurement Focus Young people – new generation of activists


How good is the venue? Excellent Good OK Below average Poor evalvenue.ppv

How good was the programme content? Excellent Good OK Below average Poor evalprog.ppv

How useful was what you have heard today? Very useful Useful OK Limited use Waste of my time evaluse.ppv

How satisfied are you with your own participation? Very satisfied Satisfied hmmm Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied evalparticipation.ppv

Have you learned anything today? Yes, lots Yes A little Not a lot Absolutely nothing evallearned.ppv

Do you understand what you should do next? Yes definitely Yes Not sure No Definitely not evalnext.ppv