“BOVEX” - data exchange between bovine databases European Commission DG Health and Consumers Kai-Uwe Sprenger D.1 Lars Skäringer A.4 http://ec.europa.eu/comm/food/animal/index_en.htm This presentation does not necessarily represent the views of the European Commission 1
Background Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 requires paper passport at least for movements of bovines between Member States
Objectives Provide a multilateral exchange for electronic passports between national authorities Verify correctness of transmitted passport data Link with TRACES for transaction verification (legality and correctness)
Accessing BOVEX BOVEX is a webservice, so the protocol is XML XSD schemas: Based on 64/432 requirements Normalised ear tag mandatory (2-character ISO country code, 12 digit ear tag number) Ear tag normalisation / denormalisation is the responsibility of BOVEX user Currently, national format ear tag also necessary for full TRACES verification (but optional for pilot phase) MS access to BOVEX – 2 possibilities: via SANCO XMLGate file upload interface via MS provided webservices client program
The exchange in action Create / process Process passport data messages Process Store, get Upload message Request passports Data messages (XML) Passport messages Status messages Error messages Get and store passport data Check TRACES certificate
Pilot phase
Pilot phase – role of MS BE, LU, DE, AT, IT Provide test data (1000 animals) Help educate its personnel in using the exchange During the pilot phase, make every reasonable effort to use the exchange for all transactions Provide any remarks, issues, suggestions to EC (SANCO) Participate in interim and follow-up meetings Provide feedback for the report and conclusions
2010 Forecast
Current status Test data obtained from participating Member States Development finished, internal tests with mock and actual data Deployment at Data Centre Protocol (schemas) available for MS consultation, including WS client sample code (Java) TRACES check implemented, three modes foreseen for pilot phase: None: anything goes Basic: valid certificate for correct destination Full: Basic + every obtained ear tag must be digitally present in certificate field I.30 Pilot testing can commence very soon