Conditional expression of MHC II on B cells does not regulation atherosclerotic plaque development in Ldlr−/− mice. Conditional expression of MHC II on B cells does not regulation atherosclerotic plaque development in Ldlr−/− mice. (A) Spleens from Ldlr−/−, IAβbstopf/f Ldlr−/−, and CD19cre/+ IAβbstopf/f Ldlr−/− mice were assayed for B cell expression of MHC II. (B) Histogram of MHC II expression levels in CD19+ spleen cells from indicated strains. (C) CD4+ T cell counts for the blood of IAβbstopf/f Ldlr−/−and CD19cre/+ IAβbstopf/f Ldlr−/−mice before or after thymic transplantation, compared with control Ldlr−/− mouse. Representative flow plots showing T cell populations (D) before or (E) following thymic transplantation and 8 wk recovery of IAβbstopf/f Ldlr−/− and CD19cre/+ IAβbstopf/f Ldlr−/−, and compared against control Ldlr−/− mice. Following thymic transplantation, 8 wk reconstitution, and 8 wk HFD feeding, mice were assayed for CD4 T cell activation in the mediastinal lymph node (F), as well as staining for plaque deposition in the aortic sinus (scale bar, 250 μm) (G) and aortic arch (original magnification ×10) (H), quantified in (I). Scale bar, 250 μm. (A)–(F) are representative or combined data from two independent experiments containing three to five mice per group. (F)–(H) contain five to six animals per group and are representative of three independent experiments. **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001, by nonparametric Student t test. Jesse W. Williams et al. ImmunoHorizons 2019;3:37-44 Copyright © 2019 The Authors