SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION Stramit Erskine Park T-540 6/09/2005 Rev A
ABOUT DGL, Stramit Erskine Park Who are we? DGL are a transport provider to Stramit building products. What we do on site? Allocate daily runs and distribute steel building products throughout the Sydney metro and country areas. Our vehicles are loaded on site by Stramit ( Night Shift ). T-540 6/09/2005 Rev A
STRUCTURE Responsibility Structure / Chain of Command: Contract Manager Operations Manager Allocation Officer T-540 6/09/2005 Rev A
EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN (ERP) Employees of the site undergo yearly refresher training for the site Emergency Response Plan (as per Stramit ERP on site procedures). The ERP contains pertinent information regarding the site on: Site and hazard detail Command structure and site personnel Notifications Resources Procedures Responsibilities and Contact Details Register. T-540 6/09/2005 Rev A
OPERATING HOURS DGL Operating hours are from 0500 am to 0230am . If work is required outside these hours (eg. on a Saturday), it is pre-organised and approved by the Site Supervisor / Manager. DGL staff are on site during both day and night shift. 24 hour phone numbers are supplied to all drivers for assistance after hours. Administration Office employees work a full day with the same start and finish times. T-540 6/09/2005 Rev A
FIRST AID The First Aid Station is located in the site Administration Office. The names of current site First Aiders are advertised on the outside noticeboard at the customer pick up office . T-540 6/09/2005 Rev A
SITE FACILITIES Site toilets and lunchroom are located in the Administration Office. Change room and drivers meal room is located between Door 1 South and the customer pick up office . There is not a designated smoking area on site. Any persons wishing to smoke are to proceed beyond the outside of the site perimeter fence line PRIOR TO ‘lighting up’. The main vehicle entry point / gate to the site is not an acceptable area to smoke T-540 6/09/2005 Rev A
PERSONAL HYGIENE It is the responsibility of each individual to maintain an acceptable standard of personal hygiene and presentation. Supplied uniforms are to be worn by all drivers. The wearing of High Vis clothing is compulsory on site. Long trousers are to be worn when entering any factory areas. T-540 6/09/2005 Rev A
PPE & SPILL EQUIPMENT PPE will be issued to all drivers and must be used when entering building sites. PPE is to be carried in your vehicle at all times . Please see your Supervisor / Manager if you require additional equipment. Leather gloves must be worn when loading or unloading all steel building products. T-540 6/09/2005 Rev A
SITE LINKS Site Map (under construction) Emergency Response Plan (under construction) T-540 6/09/2005 Rev A
QUESTIONS? T-540 6/09/2005 Rev A