Caf é Net Management System … Prepared By : Shereen Atallah Shereen Atallah Elham AL_Yaseen Elham AL_Yaseen
Our project is Café Net Management System based on client server application, using Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) dialog based application, that supports TCP/IP sockets. Our project is Café Net Management System based on client server application, using Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) dialog based application, that supports TCP/IP sockets. Management of café net requires server program to control clients. We need to handle communication between server & clients.
Server waiting for clients to connect Clients Server accept the connection Client try to connect by sending asocket
Server program will look like this : Host information CtrlList to view clients & there status Chat program
When any client connects to server an icon will appear, this icon has its color telling its current status : Green icon means login client Red icon means shutdown client Blue icon means logout client
To add user To add random users To view all users Users menu is for handling tickets
View menu to view clients
Command menu allows server control clients Select the command you want, if you choose to lock PC this will change its icon to blue If you want to shutdown any PC this will change its icon to red unlock PC will change the color to green.
Print menu will print all tickets with times greater than zero Tickets will look like this:
: Orders menu provide services to clients Add orders :add anew service to clients with its price and this will appear to all clients If client selects an order this will appear To view orders To update orders
Configuration menu to change the port of server so clicking on this menu will give the following dialog Change the listening port here but this change wont take an effect until you restart the server So you will see this dialog:
Address book to add contacts and retrieve any information about them: To fill the appropriate information we have this dialog. To view contacts and retrieve any information about them
Accessories menu give some additional facilities to server : Notepad to add notes. Command to add command Calculator
Now we are to talk about client program which must run at startup: All pcs must be locked with the lock screen. Locking pc need locking all hock keys by hock driver. Press on any key will submit from you to enter valid username password then you can login. Inserting invalid username & password will give the following dialog:
Client program will look like this : Chat program To display the remaining time for customer to logout To view the current orders & there costs
To submit order select what do you want from current orders then click order you will see this dialog: If the time of the client becomes less than five minutes then a warning message will appear:
You can hide this dialog by clicking on hide button : This will make the dialog iconic & will appear as this: This icon has the menu show to show the dialog again. If the client wants to logout.