Principles of Marketing What are we doing? All Things Promotion Print AD
Parts of a Print Advertisement
Print Advertisements Any type of advertising that is in written format, such as: Newspaper ad Magazine ad Billboards (outdoor advertising) Transit ads (buses, bus stations, bus stops, taxis, trucks)
Main Parts of a Print Ad Headline Illustration Body Copy Signature
Headline A strong statement which includes the major selling point Must grab the reader’s attention Must be short (no more than 7 words) Example: EAT MOR CHIKIN
Illustration Reinforces the headline Shows how your product works or what it looks like Must grab the reader’s attention Example: Chick-Fil-A Cows
Body Copy Text that persuades the reader to buy your product Must be interesting Must tell the reader something that he/she wants to know.
Tag-Line Summarizes your product or the philosophy of your company It should encourage the reader to act, i.e. to go and find out more and buy the product.
Company Details Name Address Telephone numbers Fax E-mail address Logo
AIDA An ad will only have a few seconds to influence someone, so a good ad uses the following formula: A - Attention (Awareness): attract the attention of the customer. I - Interest: raise customer interest by demonstrating features, advantages, and benefits. D - Desire: convince customers that they want and desire the product or service and that it will satisfy their needs. A - Action: lead customers towards taking action and/or purchasing.
Spoiling Ads Clutter – If you fill the space full of words and pictures, people will be put off reading it. Small writing is difficult to read. Jargon – Difficult words and long sentences put people off Facts & Figures – No one wants to read a boring load of facts and figures. Use the minimum to get people interested.
AFLAC When AFLAC when 10 years old, only 13% of U.S. recognized AFLAC Old ads: “warm and fuzzy” similar to other insurance ads Goal: break through advertising clutter 1999: AFLAC developed the “duck” campaign to enhance brand awareness Incredibly successful: name recognition is now 91%; sales growth of 30% each year campaign has run
Comparative advertising can be extremely persuasive
Media planners for Absolut vodka work with creatives to design ads targeted to specific audiences. The ad at left appears in theater playbills.
Marketers are increasingly using alternate forms of media to reach their target markets. What other examples can you think of besides those shown below?
What types of products would benefit from a media flighting strategy? Reddi Wip is one product whose media strategy includes heavy ad expenditures prior to Thanksgiving. What types of products would benefit from a media flighting strategy? Flighting term for a timing pattern in which commercials are scheduled to run during intervals that are separated by periods in which no advertising messages appear for the advertised item
Definition Public Relations: Building good relations with the company’s various publics by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporate image, and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events.
Public Relations Functions Press Relations Product Publicity Public Affairs Lobbying Investor Relations Development
Public Relations Role & Impact of Public Relations Advantages: Strong impact on public awareness at a lower cost than advertising Greater credibility than advertising Publicity is often underused Good public relations can be a powerful brand-building tool
Public Relations Tools News Speeches Corporate Identity Materials Mobile Marketing Special Events Written Materials Audiovisual Materials Public Service Activities
vs. According to textbook which is the better print ad?
Which Samsung ad grabs your attention? Why?
vs. Positive Message – which has the better message?
Direct Marketing
Public Relations - any activity designed to create a favorable image of a business, its products, or its policies.